Baccharis juncea (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae) in a salt marsh along the Pampas lowland temperate grasslands along the Río de La Plata estuary at Montevideo, Uruguay.
Baccharis juncea (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae) in a salt marsh along the Pampas lowland temperate grasslands along the Río de La Plata estuary at Montevideo, Uruguay.
Baccharis juncea (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae) in a salt marsh along the Pampas lowland temperate grasslands along the Río de La Plata estuary at Montevideo, Uruguay.
Baccharis juncea (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae) in a salt marsh along the Pampas lowland temperate grasslands along the Río de La Plata estuary at Montevideo, Uruguay.
Leaves lanceolate, pointed at the apex and with a white undersurface. Singapore.
Habit of Avicennia marina in Gazi Bay (Kenya) showing uprooted pencil-like pneumatophores roots.
uprooted Avicennia marina
Newly established seedling_Gaoqiao, south-western China.
Leaves and mature fruit : leaves opposite ,simple, ovale (to elliptic), 59-129 mm L, 26-53 mm W, apex mostly rounded, upper-surface bright satiny green and under-surface pale finely pubescent. Fruit pod enclosing one propagule ellipsoidal 21-23 mm L, 12-15 mm W_Gaoqiao, south-western China
Roots pencil-like pneumatophores. Mangrove of Cubatão (São Paulo - Brazil).
Dense, thick stands with thin stems of Aegiceras corniculatum_Gaoqiao,south-western China
Leaves simple, elliptic, alternate, spirally arranged.Apex slightly emarginate. Salt encrusted leaves_Gaoqiao,south-western China.
Stem base and part of unearthed roots system (normally under ground)_Gaoqiao, south-western China.
Fruit : capsule enclosing 1 propagule, horn-shaped,pointed apically, curved (5-8cm L), crypto-viviparous_Gaoqiao, south-western China.