Chih-Yi Chang, Hsy-Yu Tzeng, Yen-Hsueh Tseng
Figure 4.
Holotypes of the three species of Cirsiumsect.Onotrophe in Taiwan. AC.tatakaense Y.H.Tseng & C.Y.Chang, C. Y. Chang 1444 (TCF) BC.kawakamii Hayata, T. Kawakami & U. Mori 2279 (TI!) CC.arisanense Kitam., S. Kitamura s.n. (KYO!).
Chih-Yi Chang, Hsy-Yu Tzeng, Yen-Hsueh Tseng
Figure 5.
Comparison of the morphological characters amongst the species of Cirsiumsect.Onotrophe in Taiwan. AC.tatakaense Y.H.Tseng & C.Y.Chang BC.kawakamii Hayata CC.arisanense Kitam.: 1 leaf 2 capitula 3 inner phyllary 3’ middle phyllary 3” outer phyllary 4 floret 4’ floret (pappus removed) 5 synantherous 6 style branches 7 achene 7’ achene with pappus.
Chih-Yi Chang, Hsy-Yu Tzeng, Yen-Hsueh Tseng
Figure 6.
Chromosome number of the two species of Cirsiumsubsect.Nipponocirsium Kitam. in Taiwan. A 2n = 64, C.tatakaense Y.H.Tseng & C.Y.Chang B 2n = 64, C.kawakamii Hayata. Scale bar: 5 μm.
Chih-Yi Chang, Hsy-Yu Tzeng, Yen-Hsueh Tseng
Figure 7.
Comparison of the pollen morphology of the three species of Cirsiumsect.Onotrophe in Taiwan. AC.tatakaense Y.H.Tseng & C.Y.Chang BC.kawakamii Hayata CC.arisanense Kitam.: 1 polar view 2 equatorial view 3 colporate view. Scale bar: 30 μm.
Chih-Yi Chang, Hsy-Yu Tzeng, Yen-Hsueh Tseng
Figure 3.
Distribution map of Cirsiumtatakaense Y.H.Tseng & C.Y.Chang (star); C.kawakamii Hayata (triangle); and C.arisanense Kitam. (circle) of Taiwan.
Tiina Särkinen, Paúl Gonzáles, Sandra Knapp
Figure 5.Photos of Solanum arenicola. A Habit B Buds and flowers, showing the dense indumentum of glandular-tipped, multi-cellular hairs throughout C Maturing fruits, showing reflexed pedicels in infrutescence D Leaf size and shape variation present within individuals as observed in the field (A–D Särkinen & Balarezo 4866). Scale bars = 1 mm. All photos by T. Särkinen.
Tiina Särkinen, Paúl Gonzáles, Sandra Knapp
Figure 6.Distribution map of Solanum arenicola in lowlands of central and southern Peru, and northern Bolivia.
Figure 1.Heliotropium perlmanii Lorence & WL Wagner A Habit B Upper leaf surface, C Inflorecence D Flower, lateral view E Corolla, face view F Flower, longitudinal section showing stamens and gynoecium G Corolla, sectioned to show stamens and indument, H Fruit and calyx, lateral view I Fruit showing 4 carpels. All figures drawn from Perlman & Florence 10052 (US) and photos from Falaise Est Eiao, 11 March 2007 courtesy of J-F Butaud.
Figure 2.Heliotropium marchionicum Decne. A Habit B Upper Leaf surface C Inflorescence D Flower, lateral view E Corolla, face view F Flower, longitudinal section showing stamens and gynoecium G Corolla, sectioned to show stamens and indument H Fruit and calyx, lateral view I Fruit showing 4 carpels. Drawn from Perlman 10005 (US) and photos from Nuku Hiva, 24 February 2007 [A], Mercier 1847 (US) and photos from Nuku Hiva, 24 February 2007 courtesy of J-F Butaud [B–I].
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 1.Photograph of living plants of Solanum amorimii, Solanum apiahyense and Solanum filirhachis. A Immature fruit of Solanum amorimii (Giacomin et al.1962) B Flowers of Solanum amorimii (Amorim et al. 5210) C Inflorescence with flower and fruit of Solanum apiahyense (Giacomin et al. 1086) D Habit of Solanum apiahyense (Giacomin et al. 1086) E Inflorescence, flower and leaves of Solanum filirhachis (Giacomin et al. 1854) F Fruit (immature) of Solanum filirhachis (Giacomin et al. 1854). Photographs: A (S. Knapp), B (A.M. Amorim), C–F (L.L. Giacomin).
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 4.Lectotype specimen of Solanum apiahyense (Puiggari s. n., WU). Reproduced with permission of the University of Vienna.
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 5.Distribution of Solanum apiahyense.
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 1.Photograph of living plants of Solanum amorimii, Solanum apiahyense and Solanum filirhachis. A Immature fruit of Solanum amorimii (Giacomin et al.1962) B Flowers of Solanum amorimii (Amorim et al. 5210) C Inflorescence with flower and fruit of Solanum apiahyense (Giacomin et al. 1086) D Habit of Solanum apiahyense (Giacomin et al. 1086) E Inflorescence, flower and leaves of Solanum filirhachis (Giacomin et al. 1854) F Fruit (immature) of Solanum filirhachis (Giacomin et al. 1854). Photographs: A (S. Knapp), B (A.M. Amorim), C–F (L.L. Giacomin).
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 6.Holotype specimen (sheet two) of Solanum filirhachis (Giacomin et al. 1854, BHCB019057). Reproduced with permission of the Universidade Federal de Minas de Gerais.
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 7.Distribution of Solanum filirhachis.
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 8.Photograph of living plants of Solanum lacteum, Solanum psilophyllum and Solanum verticillatum. A Inflorescence and flower of Solanum lacteum (Agra et al. 7284) B Habit of Solanum lacteum (from Linhares, ES; no voucher) C Habit of Solanum psilophyllum showing rhizomatous growth (Giacomin et al. 186) D Flowers and young stems of Solanum psilophyllum (Giacomin et al. 186) E Fruit of Solanum psilophyllum (Giacomin et al. 186) F Immature fruit of Solanum verticillatum, inset shows pseudo-verticillate branching pattern (Giacomin et al. 2016). Photographs: A–E (J.R. Stehmann), F (S. Knapp).
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 9.Lectotype of Solanum lacteum. Vellozo (1831) Volume 2, plate 93. Reproduced with permission of the Natural History Museum Library.
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 10.Epitype specimen of Solanum lacteum (Agra et al. 7284, RB). Reproduced with permission of the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro.
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 11.Distribution of Solanum lacteum.
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 8.Photograph of living plants of Solanum lacteum, Solanum psilophyllum and Solanum verticillatum. A Inflorescence and flower of Solanum lacteum (Agra et al. 7284) B Habit of Solanum lacteum (from Linhares, ES; no voucher) C Habit of Solanum psilophyllum showing rhizomatous growth (Giacomin et al. 186) D Flowers and young stems of Solanum psilophyllum (Giacomin et al. 186) E Fruit of Solanum psilophyllum (Giacomin et al. 186) F Immature fruit of Solanum verticillatum, inset shows pseudo-verticillate branching pattern (Giacomin et al. 2016). Photographs: A–E (J.R. Stehmann), F (S. Knapp).
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 14.Holotype specimen of Solanum verticillatum (Custodio Filho & Dias 305, SP002705). Reproduced with permission of Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo.
Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 15.Distribution of Solanum verticillatum.
Harold Robinson, Sterling C. Keeley
Figure 3.SEM images of trichomes of Critoniopsis. A, B Critoniopsis bogotana (Cuatrec.) H. Rob., unicellular trichomes showing elongate branch and short spur-like branches near base C, D Critoniopsis tausae H. Rob. & S.C. Keeley, showing unicellular stellate form with short arms, one arm slightly longer than the other four D Two trichomes entangled with each other showing lack of elongate arms E Critoniopsis narinoensis H. Rob. & S.C. Keeley, showing highly ramified and flattened form F Critoniopsis glandulata (Cuatrec.) H. Rob., showing T-shaped trichome with multicellular stalk and transversely mounted cap-cell, also showing part of cap-cell of second trichome, cap-cells with thinner-walled distal surface caved-in as result of drying.
Bekir Dogan, Lütfi Behçet, Ahmet Duran, Davut Avlamaz
Figure 1.Holotype of Psephellus vanensis A.Duran, Behçet & B.Doğan.