Kvinnherad, Hordaland, Norge
Lineus geniculatus.
Pelagonemertes von der Bauchfelte gefeben.
Hiroshi Kajihara, Armand M. Kuris
Figure 1.Ovicides paralithodis sp. n., photographs taken in life. A holotype, female, ZIHU 4271 B allotype, male, ZIHU 4272.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 2.A–B Tubulanus rhabdotus: B detail of the head, mouth and lateral organ (modified from Corrêa 1954) C–E Baseodiscus delineatus: C entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis D ventral detail of the head E dorsal detail of the head F–I Dushia atra: G dorsal detail of the head H ventral detail of the head I detail of the tail showing the caudal cirrus J–L Lineus stigmatus: J entire specimen, the worm autotomized K ventral detail of the head L lateral detail of the head. b brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, lo lateral organ, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore.
Kvinnherad, Hordaland, Norge
Geonemertes novae-zealandiae, Dorsal view.
Hiroshi Kajihara, Armand M. Kuris
Figure 2.Ovicides paralithodis sp. n., photomicrographs of transverse sections. A precerebral region, showing rhynchodaeum just after branched off from oesophagus B anterior proboscis chamber showing stylet basis and one of the two accessory stylet pouches C accessory stylet D stomach, showing circular muscle fibres (indicated by arrowheads). A, C, D, allotype, male, ZIHU 4272; B, holotype, female, ZIHU 4271.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 4.A–C Nemertopsis bivittata: B dorsal detail of the head and proboscis, C detail of the stylets D Ototyphlonemertes erneba (modified from Corrêa 1950 and Kirsteuer 1977) E–G Ototyphlonemertes lactea: E entire worm F detail of the statocysts G detail of the stylets H–J Zygonemertes fragariae: H entire worm I detail of the head J detail of the stylets K–M Zygonemertes virescens: K entire worm L detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c sensorial cirrus, e eyes, p proboscis, pa proboscis papilla, s sylet, st statocysts.
Hiroshi Kajihara, Armand M. Kuris
Figure 3.Ovicides paralithodis sp. n., photomicrograph of transverse section through brain ring, allotype, male, ZIHU 4272.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 4.A–C Nemertopsis bivittata: B dorsal detail of the head and proboscis, C detail of the stylets D Ototyphlonemertes erneba (modified from Corrêa 1950 and Kirsteuer 1977) E–G Ototyphlonemertes lactea: E entire worm F detail of the statocysts G detail of the stylets H–J Zygonemertes fragariae: H entire worm I detail of the head J detail of the stylets K–M Zygonemertes virescens: K entire worm L detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c sensorial cirrus, e eyes, p proboscis, pa proboscis papilla, s sylet, st statocysts.
Hiroshi Kajihara, Armand M. Kuris
Figure 4.Ovicides paralithodis sp. n., photomicrographs of transverse sections through intestinal region. A testes and Takakura’s duct, allotype, male, ZIHU 4272 B gonopore opening dorsally, holotype, female, ZIHU 4271.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 4.A–C Nemertopsis bivittata: B dorsal detail of the head and proboscis, C detail of the stylets D Ototyphlonemertes erneba (modified from Corrêa 1950 and Kirsteuer 1977) E–G Ototyphlonemertes lactea: E entire worm F detail of the statocysts G detail of the stylets H–J Zygonemertes fragariae: H entire worm I detail of the head J detail of the stylets K–M Zygonemertes virescens: K entire worm L detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c sensorial cirrus, e eyes, p proboscis, pa proboscis papilla, s sylet, st statocysts.
Hiroshi Kajihara, Armand M. Kuris
Figure 5.Ovicides paralithodis sp. n. A egg strand laid by holotype B magnification of A.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 4.A–C Nemertopsis bivittata: B dorsal detail of the head and proboscis, C detail of the stylets D Ototyphlonemertes erneba (modified from Corrêa 1950 and Kirsteuer 1977) E–G Ototyphlonemertes lactea: E entire worm F detail of the statocysts G detail of the stylets H–J Zygonemertes fragariae: H entire worm I detail of the head J detail of the stylets K–M Zygonemertes virescens: K entire worm L detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c sensorial cirrus, e eyes, p proboscis, pa proboscis papilla, s sylet, st statocysts.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 5.A–C 4-eyed monostiliferan sp. 1: B dorsal detail of the head C drawing of the stylet D–E 4-eyed monostiliferan sp. 2: E dorsal detail of the head and proboscis F–H 4-eyed monostiliferan sp. 3: G dorsal detail of the head H detail of the stylets I–K Cratenemertidae sp.: J dorsal detail of the head and proboscis K detail of the stylets L–M Punnettia cf. natans: M dorsal detail of the head. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, e eyes, ec epithelial crests, p proboscis, s sylet.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 2.A–B Tubulanus rhabdotus: B detail of the head, mouth and lateral organ (modified from Corrêa 1954) C–E Baseodiscus delineatus: C entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis D ventral detail of the head E dorsal detail of the head F–I Dushia atra: G dorsal detail of the head H ventral detail of the head I detail of the tail showing the caudal cirrus J–L Lineus stigmatus: J entire specimen, the worm autotomized K ventral detail of the head L lateral detail of the head. b brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, lo lateral organ, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 2.A–B Tubulanus rhabdotus: B detail of the head, mouth and lateral organ (modified from Corrêa 1954) C–E Baseodiscus delineatus: C entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis D ventral detail of the head E dorsal detail of the head F–I Dushia atra: G dorsal detail of the head H ventral detail of the head I detail of the tail showing the caudal cirrus J–L Lineus stigmatus: J entire specimen, the worm autotomized K ventral detail of the head L lateral detail of the head. b brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, lo lateral organ, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 2.A–B Tubulanus rhabdotus: B detail of the head, mouth and lateral organ (modified from Corrêa 1954) C–E Baseodiscus delineatus: C entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis D ventral detail of the head E dorsal detail of the head F–I Dushia atra: G dorsal detail of the head H ventral detail of the head I detail of the tail showing the caudal cirrus J–L Lineus stigmatus: J entire specimen, the worm autotomized K ventral detail of the head L lateral detail of the head. b brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, lo lateral organ, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 3.A–D Micrura ignea: A entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis B dorsal detail of the head C ventral detail of the head D detail of the tail E–G Amphiporus cruentatus: F dorsal detail of the head G detail of the stylets H–J Amphiporus cf. ochraceus: I dorsal detail of the head J drawing of the stylet K–M Amphiporus texanus: K entire worm L dorsal detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore, s sylet, v blood vessel.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 3.A–D Micrura ignea: A entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis B dorsal detail of the head C ventral detail of the head D detail of the tail E–G Amphiporus cruentatus: F dorsal detail of the head G detail of the stylets H–J Amphiporus cf. ochraceus: I dorsal detail of the head J drawing of the stylet K–M Amphiporus texanus: K entire worm L dorsal detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore, s sylet, v blood vessel.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 3.A–D Micrura ignea: A entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis B dorsal detail of the head C ventral detail of the head D detail of the tail E–G Amphiporus cruentatus: F dorsal detail of the head G detail of the stylets H–J Amphiporus cf. ochraceus: I dorsal detail of the head J drawing of the stylet K–M Amphiporus texanus: K entire worm L dorsal detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore, s sylet, v blood vessel.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 3.A–D Micrura ignea: A entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis B dorsal detail of the head C ventral detail of the head D detail of the tail E–G Amphiporus cruentatus: F dorsal detail of the head G detail of the stylets H–J Amphiporus cf. ochraceus: I dorsal detail of the head J drawing of the stylet K–M Amphiporus texanus: K entire worm L dorsal detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore, s sylet, v blood vessel.
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
Figure 4.A–C Nemertopsis bivittata: B dorsal detail of the head and proboscis, C detail of the stylets D Ototyphlonemertes erneba (modified from Corrêa 1950 and Kirsteuer 1977) E–G Ototyphlonemertes lactea: E entire worm F detail of the statocysts G detail of the stylets H–J Zygonemertes fragariae: H entire worm I detail of the head J detail of the stylets K–M Zygonemertes virescens: K entire worm L detail of the head M detail of the stylets. ac accessory stylet, b base of the stylet, br brain, c sensorial cirrus, e eyes, p proboscis, pa proboscis papilla, s sylet, st statocysts.