2010.10.19 Vienna X. district (Hohlweg am Johannesberg, 183 msm Quadrant 7864/3).This is the natural monument 'Hohlweg am Johannesberg' which hosts some rare species of plants; it is an old hollow-way now out of use (as it is now protected as a nature reserve), the walls consist of loess.What you can see here only is a habitat shot, featuring a nice Ulmus minor tree, plus some Rosa species, Asparagus officinalis in the foreground, and then also Centaurea, Knautia and many more - all of them being plants which are rather common in Pannonian climate.The rarer ones will follow, and will be posted here as soon as I've uploaded them.See also remarks on
nearby S1 motorway hills ('Johannesbergerl') - a nearby ersatz habitat which might become a refuge for some of the very rare Hohlweg species.