
Clover - Gardening Encyclopedia

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Sweet clovers, also known as Melilotus, and Calvary clover or alfalfa (also called Medicago) are types of clovers categorized under a related genera. Though rare, the plant also comes in species with cinquefoil, quatrefoil or septfoil leaves (often referred to as lucky clovers because they are rare). Quatrefoil plants have four leaves in one.

Clovers are often planted in lawns because they are tolerant to high foot traffic, shades and repeated mowing. However, they are prone to pests and diseases such as the alfalfa weevils, and mosaic and common leaf rot diseases, respectively.

Trefoil plants are rich in phosphorous, proteins and calcium to nourish both its dry and green growth stages. They are excellent nitrogen-fixing plants often used as cover crops. A biennial red clover can add up to 170kg of nitrogen to soil in every one hectare of land.

White clovers (T. repens), red clovers (Trifolium pratense) and alsike clovers (T. hybridum) are the most common species for gardening. White clovers are perennials that tend to creep low. Also known as Alsatian clover or Swedish Clover, Alsike clovers feature globular flower heads with rosy, pink petals. Red clover flowers grow in diameter up to 2.5cm.

Green Valley Supply
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https://greenvalleysupply.com/blogs/green-valley-supplys-gardening-encyclopedia/cloves Access Web 8-17-2018
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