
Import Log for The US National Vegetation Classification USNVC

  • Started: June 16, 2020 10:42
  • Completed: 10:44:00
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 10:42:32 (starts) ScientificName
  • 10:42:32 (starts) #propagate_ids Identifier
  • 10:42:32 (starts) #import Identifier
  • 10:42:32 (starts) Identifier
  • 10:42:32 (starts) #propagate_ids BibliographicCitation
  • 10:42:31 (starts) #import BibliographicCitation
  • 10:42:31 (starts) BibliographicCitation
  • 10:42:31 (starts) #propagate_ids Node
  • 10:42:31 (starts) #import Node
  • 10:42:29 (starts) Node
  • 10:42:29 (starts) #propagate_ids Referent
  • 10:42:29 (starts) #import Referent
  • 10:42:29 (starts) Referent
  • 10:42:29 (warns) All existing content has been destroyed for the resource.