


Theoretical physicist who has devoted his last three decades to biophysics and modeling of ecological systems. I would rather be exploring the inner reaches of the Namib Desert or the glaciers of Antarctica than sitting beside my computer, but, alas, i end up splitting my time 50/50 between the two. Credentials: Prior faculty positions at the University of Santa Clara, University of California, Davis and San Jose State University. Served as Editor-in-chief, Encyclopedia of Earth, National Council for Science and the Environment; State of California Registered Environmental Assessor #0209; founding Board Director of the Association of Environmental Professionals; member of National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board; National Science Foundation Fellow; first Princeton University Scholar; President and Chief Technology Officer, Earth Metrics Inc. 1974-1992; President, Lumina Technologies 1993-present; Chairman of the Board, Peninsula Humane Society, San Mateo County, California 1984-85. Over 1200 peer reviewed articles and monographs published. Scope: Areas of expertise: Wetlands of California; riverine habitats in western USA; ecology of the Great Basin, Mojave Desert; oak woodlands of California; ecology of fen-meadows of Western Europe; ecology of Kalahari and Namib Deserts; ecology of Patagonia, Chile; hydrological modeling of riverine systems; microclimate effects on plant metabolism.
