

provided by Halictidae LifeDesk

This bee is solitary in some populations, but in others groups of females of apparently equal reproductive status nest together (Wcislo 1997). Its nesting biology is described by Sakagami and Michener (1962): Nest architecture is Type IVb: Lateral burrows are very short or absent such that cells are almost attached to the burrow wall at a right angle. The cells are clustered against one wall and surrounded by a cavity created by burrowing around the entire cell cluster. May have two clusters of cells. Cells are arranged in combs. Nests are known from both flat ground and banks. Nest aggregation information: About 3,500 nests in a single mixed aggregation with H. sexcinctus. Number of cells in the nest: up to 40.

Smith, Adam
Smith, Adam
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Halictidae LifeDesk