
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Neoperla catharae Stark and Baumann Neoperla catharae Stark and Baumann (1978).
Type locality. — Arkansas, Randolph County, Jane's Creek.
Regional distribution. — Watersheds 4, 17,36,45,
122, 125 (Table 1).
The first nymphal description is provided here:
NYMPH: (Fig. 243). General color pale yellow with dark brown pigmentation. Transverse band between antennal bases wide, narrowing mesally, posterior margin sinuate. Ocellar pigmentation extends posterolaterally to hind margin of head. Pronotal ring brown, lateral and posterior margins pale.
bibliographic citation
Poulton, B.C., Stewart, K.W. 1991. The Stoneflies of the Ozark and Ouachita mountains (Plecoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 38. Philadelphia, USA