
Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Ionoxalis obliqua Rose, sp. nov
Plants 11-30 cm. tall, the bulb-scales 3-ribbed ; leaves about one half as tall as the scape or more, the petioles glabrous or sparingly pubescent; leaflets 3, the blades 1.5-2 cm. long, obreniform, bright-green and glabrous or nearly so above, glaucescent and sparingly pubescent beneath, broadly retuse or nearly truncate at the apex ; scape glabrous ; cymes 3-6-flowered ; pedicels 1-2 cm. long, glabrous ; sepals lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, about 6 mm. long, bearded at the apex, each with two elongate apical tubercles which are commonly lobed at the base ; petals light-purple, 17-23 mm. long, decidedly oblique ; shorter filaments glabrous ; longer filaments pubescent, prominently appendaged on the back; styles pubescent ; capsules not seen.
Tvpe collected near Trinidad, Hidalgo, Mexico, C. G. Pringle 8S92. Distribution : Hidalgo.
bibliografinen lainaus
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Ionoxalis quadriglandula Rose, sp. nov
Plants 1-1.5 dm. tall, the bulb-scales 3-ribbed; leaves fully one half as tall as the scape, the petioles glabrous; leaflets 3, the blades lunate, 1.5-2.5 cm. wide, bright-green above, glaucescent beneath, glabrous, the lobes ovate ; scape sometimes sparingly pubescent on the lower part ; cymes 4-6-flowered ; pedicels 1-2.5 cm. long, glabrous; sepals lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 4-5 mm. long, glabrous, each bearing 4 long and narrow apical tubercles; petals violet, 11-14 mm. long; shorter filaments with few spreading hairs; longer filaments pubescent with shorter hairs, each one appendaged on the back below the middle.
Type collected on Sierra de Tepoxtlan, Morelos, Mexico, May 28, 1904, C. G. Pringle8821.
Distribution : Morelos.
bibliografinen lainaus
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Ionoxalis trinervia Rose, sp. nov Plants 1-1.5 dm. tall, the bulb-scales 3-ribbed ; leaves fully one half as tall as the scape, the petioles glabrous ; leaflets 3, the blades obreniform, 2.5-3.5 cm. wide, deep-green and glabrous or nearly so above, slightly paler and with scattered hairs beneath, the lobes rounded ; scapes sparingly pubescent when young, glabrous in age ; cymes 4-11-flowered ; pedicels 1-2 cm. long, glabrous; sepals oblong to linear-lanceolate or nearly linear, 4.5-5.5 mm. long, glabrous, each bearing 4 long and narrow apical tubercles ; petals violet, 11-15 rum. long; shorter filaments glabrous ; longer filaments pubescent, each with a prominent appendage on the back near the base.
Type collected near Bttena Vista Station, Hidalgo, Mexico, August 6, 1904, C. G. Pringle 8946. Distribution : Hidalgo.
bibliografinen lainaus
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Ionoxalis grahamiana (Benth.) Small
Oralis Grahamiana Benth. PI. Hartw. 9. 1839.
Plants 1-2.5 dm. tall, the bulb-scales 3-ribbed ; leaves about one half as tall as the scape, the petioles glabrous ; leaflets 3, the blades obreniform, 1-2.5 cm. wide, nearly truncate or shallowly notched at the apex, glabrous ; scapes glabrous ; cymes simple, mostly 2-5-flowered; pedicels 1-3 cm. long, glabrous ; sepals lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 4.55.5 mm. long, each bearing 2 long partially confluent apical tubercles which are mostly 2lobeil at the base ; petals violet, 12-15 mm. long ; shorter filaments glabrous ; longer filaments pubescent, unappendaged.
Type locality : Tlalpuxahua, Mexico. Distribution : Known only from the type locality.
bibliografinen lainaus
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Ionoxalis jacquiniana (H.B.K.) Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat Herb. 10: 113. 1906.
Oxalis Jacquiniana H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 5: 237. 1822.
Plants 0.5-1.8 dm. tall, the bulb-scales 3-ribbed; leaves about one half as tall as the scape, the petioles glabrous ; leaflets 3, the blades broadly obovate, 0.5-1.2 cm. wide, glabrous, pale-green; scapes glabrous ; cymes 3-6-flowered ; pedicels 1.5-2 cm. long, glabrous ; sepals oblong-lanceolate to broadly linear, 5.5-6 mm. long, glabrous, each bearing 2 narrow apical tubercles ; petals violet, 11-14 mm. long; shorter and longer filaments pubescent, unappendaged.
Type locality : Real del Monte, Mexico. Distribution : Middle Mexico.
bibliografinen lainaus
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Oxalis jacquiniana ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Oxalis jacquiniana là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Chua me đất. Loài này được Kunth mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1821.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Oxalis jacquiniana. Truy cập ngày 30 tháng 8 năm 2013.

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Oxalis jacquiniana: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Oxalis jacquiniana là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Chua me đất. Loài này được Kunth mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1821.

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