
Tieteelliset nimet

Ensisijaiset nimet

Speleomantes ambrosii (Lanza 1955)
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Hydromantes ambrosii
Laji, tunnustanut NCBI
Speleomantes ambrosii
Speleomantes ambrosii (Lanza 1954)
Laji, tunnustanut GBIF classification
Hydromantes ambrosii
Tunnustanut AmphibiaWeb articles
Speleomantes ambrosii (Lanza 1954)
Laji, tunnustanut IUCN
Speleomantes ambrosii ambrosii
Alalaji, tunnustanut wikidata_hierarchy tar gz and iNaturalist
Speleomantes ambrosii bianchii
Alalaji, tunnustanut wikidata_hierarchy tar gz

Vaihtoehtoiset nimet

Hydromantes ambrosii Lanza 1955
Not accepted taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022 mukaan
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Hydromantes genei ambrosii Lanza 1955
Not accepted taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022 mukaan
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Hydromantes italicus ambrosii Lanza 1955
Not accepted taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022 mukaan
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Hydromantoides ambrosii (Lanza 1955)
Not accepted taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022 mukaan
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Speleomantes ambrosii ambrosii (Lanza 1955)
Not accepted taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022 mukaan
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Speleomantes ambrosii bianchii Lanza 2005
Not accepted taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022 mukaan
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Speleomantes (Speleomantes) ambrosii
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Speleomantes (Speleomantes) ambrosii Dubois & Raffaëlli 2012
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Hydromantes ambrosii
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Hydromantes ambrosii Lanza, Caputo, Nascetti & Bullini 1995
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Hydromantes ambrosii Lanza, Nascetti & Bullini 1982
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Hydromantes genei ambrosii
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Hydromantes genei ambrosii Steward 1969
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Hydromantes italicus ambrosii Lanza 1955
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (synonymous original name), EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (synonymous original name), and Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (synonymous original name) mukaan
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) ambrosii
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) ambrosii Wake, Salvador & Alonso-Zarazaga 2005
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Hydromantoides (Speleomantes) ambrosii
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Hydromantoides (Speleomantes) ambrosii Dubois 1984
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Speleomantes ambrosii ambrosii
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Speleomantes ambrosii ambrosii Lanza, Cimmaruta, Forti, Bullini & Nascetti 2005
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Speleomantes ambrosii bianchii
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Speleomantes ambrosii bianchii Lanza, Cimmaruta, Forti, Bullini & Nascetti 2005
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Speleomantes ambrosii
Synonym taho(je)n NCBI mukaan
Hydromantes ambrosii Lanza 1955
Hydromantes ambrosii Lanza 1955
Synonym taho(je)n Catalogue of Life 7 February 2023 mukaan
Hydromantes genei ambrosii Lanza 1955
Hydromantes genei ambrosii Lanza 1955
Synonym taho(je)n Catalogue of Life 7 February 2023 mukaan
Hydromantes italicus ambrosii Lanza 1955
Hydromantes italicus ambrosii Lanza 1955
Synonym taho(je)n Catalogue of Life 7 February 2023 mukaan
Hydromantoides ambrosii (Lanza 1955)
Hydromantoides ambrosii (Lanza 1955)
Synonym taho(je)n Catalogue of Life 7 February 2023 mukaan
Speleomantes ambrosii ambrosii (Lanza 1955)
Speleomantes ambrosii ambrosii (Lanza 1955)
Synonym taho(je)n Catalogue of Life 7 February 2023 mukaan
Speleomantes ambrosii bianchii Lanza 2005
Speleomantes ambrosii bianchii Lanza 2005
Synonym taho(je)n Catalogue of Life 7 February 2023 mukaan

Kansankieliset nimet


Tó wónaanídę́ę́ʼ tséʼą́ąyiʼ tsxilghááh dibéłchíʼígíí ensisijainen
Tunnustanut Wikidata Common Names


Ambrosi's Cave Salamander ensisijainen
Tunnustanut Wikidata Common Names
Ambrosi's cave salamander
Tunnustanut Wikidata Common Names
Spezia Cave Salamander
Tunnustanut Wikidata Common Names
Ambrosi Salamander
Tunnustanut AmphibiaWeb articles
Ambrosis Hölensalamander
Tunnustanut AmphibiaWeb articles
Französischer Hölensalamander
Tunnustanut AmphibiaWeb articles
Geotritone de Ambrosi
Tunnustanut AmphibiaWeb articles
Geotritone settentrionale
Tunnustanut AmphibiaWeb articles
Spélerpes brun
Tunnustanut AmphibiaWeb articles


Ambrosis grottensalamander ensisijainen
Tunnustanut Wikidata Common Names


Emiliansk grottsalamander ensisijainen
Tunnustanut Wikidata Common Names


Ambrosis Höhlensalamander ensisijainen
Tunnustanut Wikidata Common Names


Печерна саламандра Амброзі ensisijainen
Tunnustanut Wikidata Common Names
näytä 3 muuta kieltä
piilota 3 kieltä

Kuratoidut hierarkiat kohteelle Speleomantes ambrosii (Lanza 1955)


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