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Holotype male. Body. Length. 6.0 mm. Color. Mottled black and brown except laterotergite 1 whitish, otherwise metasoma mostly brown (Fig. 8). Forewing mostly weakly infuscate but less so anterobasally and at midlength (Fig. 8A). Head. Number of flagellomeres 31. Scape flared apicoanteriorly with expanded apical surface (Fig. 9B). Antennal scrobe deep (Fig. 9E); entirely transversely rugosostriate, somewhat smoother dorsomedially. Gena with wide irregular punctures, lacking distinct rugose striae (Fig. 9B). Face entirely rugose (Fig. 9A). Area between antennal scrobe and inner orbit of eye with protuberance (Fig. 9A). Vertex with weak punctures (Fig. 9E). Posterior orbit of eye with distinct crenulate margin (Fig. 9B). Mesosoma. Middle lobe of scutum entirely smooth with punctures (Fig. 9C). Notauli crenulations weak and partly effaced (Fig. 9C). Mesopleuron at least partly smooth with punctures (Fig. 8C). Sternaulus absent (Fig. 8C). Discrimen (median longitudinal ventral sulcus between mesopleura) crenulate. Metapleuron mostly rugose, lacking a large smooth lightly punctate area, or partly rugose but with a large smooth lightly punctate area. Propodeum entirely rugose without smooth area posterolaterally (Fig. 9D). Metasoma. Median tergite 1 not distinctly narrowed posteriorly (Fig. 9D), partly smooth with punctures especially posteriorly, with weak rugae or microsculpture anteriorly (Fig. 9D).
Female. Unknown.
bibliographic citation
Revision of Khoikhoiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)
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provided by Zookeys
Material Examined. Holotype female: South Africa, Western Cape, Langberg Farm, 3 km 270° W Langebaanweg, MT, LW02-N2-M229, Sand Plain Fynbos, 32°58.461’S, 18°07.344’E, 51m, 29.X-5.XI.2003, S. van Noort. SAM-HYM-P0024985 (SAMC).
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