

provided by Flora of Zimbabwe
Monoecious perennial herbs, shrubs or small trees. Indumentum simple. Leaves alternate, simple, entire. Stipules present. Flowers in axillary fascicles or solitary. Male flowers: sepals 5(-6), free; petals 5(-6); disk cup-shaped, 10-toothed; stamens 5(-6); pistillode 3-fid. Female flowers: sepals larger than the male; petals minute or 0; ovary 3-locular; styles 3, short, 2-fid or 2-partite. Fruit 3-lobed, dehiscent.
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
bibliographic citation
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Andrachne Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/genus.php?genus_id=830
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
visit source
partner site
Flora of Zimbabwe


provided by wikipedia EN

Andrachne is a genus of flowering plants in the family Phyllanthaceae described by Linnaeus in 1753.[3][4] It is one of eight genera in the tribe Poranthereae.[5]

They are monoecious herbs or subshrubs, native to semideserts and desert margins of the Americas, southern Europe, North Africa, and South Asia.[2][5] Linnaeus took the name from Theophrastus, but it is not clear to which plant Theophrastus applied the name.[6][7] Actually, the etymology of the genus name corresponds to the Ancient Greek word ἀνδράχνη (andrákhnē), meaning either "common purslane" (Portulaca oleracea) or "wild strawberry" (Fragaria vesca).[8][9]


Species list

The Andrachne genus includes the following species.[2]

  1. Andrachne afghanica - Afghanistan
  2. Andrachne aspera - NW Africa, E Africa + SW Asia from Egypt + Ethiopia to Pakistan
  3. Andrachne brittonii - Cuba, Haiti
  4. Andrachne buschiana - Transcaucasus
  5. Andrachne ephemera - Ethiopia
  6. Andrachne fedtschenkoi - Turkmenistan, Tajikistan
  7. Andrachne filiformis - Transcaucasus
  8. Andrachne fragilis - Somalia
  9. Andrachne fruticulosa - SW Iran
  10. Andrachne maroccana - Morocco
  11. Andrachne merxmuelleri - Iran
  12. Andrachne microphylla - Baja California Sur, Sonora, Peru
  13. Andrachne minutifolia - N Iran
  14. Andrachne pulvinata - N Iran
  15. Andrachne pusilla - Tajikistan
  16. Andrachne pygmaea - Kyrgyzstan
  17. Andrachne ramosa - Iran
  18. Andrachne reflexa - Iran
  19. Andrachne schweinfurthii - Somalia, Socotra
  20. Andrachne stenophylla - S Turkmenistan, N Iran
  21. Andrachne telephioides - Mediterranean, E Africa, SW + S + C Asia
  22. Andrachne virgatenuis - Tajikistan

Formerly included

The following species were formerly included in Andrachne before being moved to the other genera Bischofia, Breynia, Bridelia, Cleistanthus, Leptopus, Meineckia, Notoleptopus, Phyllanthus, Phyllanthopsis, Pseudophyllanthus, and Sauropus.[2]

  1. A. apetala - Bischofia javanica
  2. A. arborea - Phyllanthus grandifolius
  3. A. arida - Phyllanthopsis arida
  4. A. attenuata - Leptopus clarkei
  5. A. australis - Leptopus australis
  6. A. bodinieri - Leptopus chinensis
  7. A. cadishaco - Cleistanthus collinus
  8. A. cadishan - Leptopus chinensis
  9. A. calcarea - Leptopus australis
  10. A. capensis - Pseudophyllanthus ovalis
  11. A. capillipes - Leptopus chinensis
  12. A. cavaleriei - Leptopus chinensis
  13. A. cerebroides - Meineckia cerebroides
  14. A. chinensis - Leptopus chinensis
  15. A. clarkei - Leptopus clarkei
  16. A. colchica - Leptopus chinensis
  17. A. cordifolia - Leptopus cordifolius
  18. A. cuneifolia - Phyllanthus cuneifolius
  19. A. decaisneana - Leptopus cordifolius
  20. A. decaisnei - Notoleptopus decaisnei
  21. A. doonkyboisca - Bridelia retusa
  22. A. dregeana - Pseudophyllanthus ovalis
  23. A. elliptica - Bridelia montana
  24. A. emicans - Leptopus emicans
  25. A. esquirolii - Leptopus clarkei
  26. A. fruticosa L. - Breynia fruticosa
  27. A. fruticosa Decne. ex Müll.Arg. - Notoleptopus decaisnei
  28. A. fruticosa B.Heyne ex Hook.f. - Meineckia parvifolia
  29. A. fruticosa var. orbicularis (Benth.) Pax & K.Hoffm. - Notoleptopus decaisnei
  30. A. gracilipes - Meineckia gracilipes
  31. A. hainanensis - Leptopus hainanensis
  32. A. hirsuta - Leptopus chinensis
  33. A. hirta - Leptopus australis
  34. A. hypoglauca - Leptopus clarkei
  35. A. lanceolata - Leptopus australis
  36. A. lolonum - Leptopus chinensis
  37. A. montana - Leptopus chinensis
  38. A. nana - Leptopus chinensis
  39. A. orbicularis - Notoleptopus decaisnei
  40. A. orbiculata - Cleistanthus collinus
  41. A. ovalis - Pseudophyllanthus ovalis
  42. A. ovata - Sauropus androgynus
  43. A. pachyphylla - Leptopus pachyphyllus
  44. A. persicariifolia - Leptopus clarkei
  45. A. phyllanthoides - Phyllanthopsis phyllanthoides
  46. A. polypetala - Leptopus australis
  47. A. pumila - Phyllanthus caroliniensis
  48. A. reverchonii - Phyllanthopsis phyllanthoides
  49. A. robinsonii - Leptopus robinsonii
  50. A. roemeriana - Phyllanthopsis phyllanthoides
  51. A. schaffneriana - Phyllanthus caroliniensis
  52. A. tenera - Leptopus australis
  53. A. trifoliata - Bischofia javanica
  54. A. yunnanensis - Leptopus chinensis


  1. ^ lectotype designated by Britton et Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S. ed. 2. 2: 453 (1913).
  2. ^ a b c d Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  3. ^ Linnaeus, Carl von. 1753. Species Plantarum 2: 1014
  4. ^ Tropicos, Andrachne L.
  5. ^ a b Maria S. Vorontsova and Petra Hoffmann. 2008. "A phylogenetic classification of tribe Poranthereae (Phyllanthaceae)." Kew Bulletin 63(1):41-59.
  6. ^ Umberto Quattrocchi. 2000. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names volume I, page 135. CRC Press: Boca Raton; New York; Washington, DC;, USA. London, UK. ISBN 978-0-8493-2675-2 (vol. I) (see External links below).
  7. ^ Andrachne In: Index Nominum Genericorum. In: Regnum Vegetabile (see External links below).
  8. ^ Bailly, Anatole (1981-01-01). Abrégé du dictionnaire grec français. Paris: Hachette. ISBN 978-2010035289. OCLC 461974285.
  9. ^ Bailly, Anatole. "Greek-french dictionary online". www.tabularium.be. Retrieved March 24, 2020.

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Andrachne: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Andrachne is a genus of flowering plants in the family Phyllanthaceae described by Linnaeus in 1753. It is one of eight genera in the tribe Poranthereae.

They are monoecious herbs or subshrubs, native to semideserts and desert margins of the Americas, southern Europe, North Africa, and South Asia. Linnaeus took the name from Theophrastus, but it is not clear to which plant Theophrastus applied the name. Actually, the etymology of the genus name corresponds to the Ancient Greek word ἀνδράχνη (andrákhnē), meaning either "common purslane" (Portulaca oleracea) or "wild strawberry" (Fragaria vesca).

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