
Derivation of specific name

provided by Flora of Zimbabwe
aspera: rough
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
bibliographic citation
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Commelina aspera Benth. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=112580
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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Flora of Zimbabwe


provided by Flora of Zimbabwe
Annual or perennial herbs. Underground stolons sometimes bearing cleistogamous flowers. Flowers in one or two 1-6-flowered cymes enclosed in a spathe. Upper cyme 1-(-3)-flowered, usually male, exserted on a long peduncle, sometimes rudimentary or 0. Lower cyme included, borne on a short peduncle; flowers 2-6, all bisexual or some male, just exserted at flowering time. Flowers open in morning, soon deliquescent. Petals 3, free; upper 2 flat, variously coloured, the lower reduced, often colourless. Stamens 3, lower fertile, upper 3 staminodes, reduced. Ovary (2-)3-locular. Fruit a capsule.
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
bibliographic citation
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Commelina Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/genus.php?genus_id=315
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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Flora of Zimbabwe

Kommelina ( Azerbaijani )

provided by wikipedia AZ

Kommelina (lat. Commelina)[1] - kommelinakimilər fəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.[2]


Azərbaycanın dərman bitkiləri


  1. Nurəddin Əliyev. Azərbaycanın dərman bitkiləri və fitoterapiya. Bakı, Elm, 1998.
  2. Elşad Qurbanov. Ali bitkilərin sistematikası, Bakı, 2009.
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Kommelina: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Kommelina (lat. Commelina) - kommelinakimilər fəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.

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Commelina ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Aquest article o secció no cita les fonts o necessita més referències per a la seva verificabilitat.

Commelina és un gènere que comprèn aproximadament unes 200 espècies de plantes herbàcies i perennes pertanyents a la família de les commelinàcies. Va nomenar Commelina communis per Linné en honor de tres germans cognomenat Commelin, que van viure a França durant el segle XVIII. Els tres van ser botànics, però sol dos van arribar a ser famosos pel seu treball. Els dos grans pètals brillants blaus es diu que representa als dos germans famosos, mentre que el petit pètal blanc simbolitza al seu científicament insignificant germà.

Commelina communis és una planta comuna en el nord-est d'EE. UU.. Creix fàcilment en sòls urbans, sovint colonitza jardins abandonats. Sovint es troba en jardins amb plantes de Vinca, potser perquè la semblança superficial de les seves tiges i fulles els fan més perdurables.

Diverses espècies, especialment Commelina benghalensis, són comestibles com vegetals en el sud-est d'Àsia i Àfrica. Creix en llocs amb alguna exposició al sol, especialment amb ombres parcials o lleugerament ombrívol. Les flors són blaves i el fullatge verd. Les plantes són atractives per a abelles, papallones i ocells.

Espècies seleccionades

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Commelina: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Commelina és un gènere que comprèn aproximadament unes 200 espècies de plantes herbàcies i perennes pertanyents a la família de les commelinàcies. Va nomenar Commelina communis per Linné en honor de tres germans cognomenat Commelin, que van viure a França durant el segle XVIII. Els tres van ser botànics, però sol dos van arribar a ser famosos pel seu treball. Els dos grans pètals brillants blaus es diu que representa als dos germans famosos, mentre que el petit pètal blanc simbolitza al seu científicament insignificant germà.

Commelina communis és una planta comuna en el nord-est d'EE. UU.. Creix fàcilment en sòls urbans, sovint colonitza jardins abandonats. Sovint es troba en jardins amb plantes de Vinca, potser perquè la semblança superficial de les seves tiges i fulles els fan més perdurables.

Diverses espècies, especialment Commelina benghalensis, són comestibles com vegetals en el sud-est d'Àsia i Àfrica. Creix en llocs amb alguna exposició al sol, especialment amb ombres parcials o lleugerament ombrívol. Les flors són blaves i el fullatge verd. Les plantes són atractives per a abelles, papallones i ocells.

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Tagblumen ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
Zygomorphe Blüte von Commelina benghalensis

Tagblumen (Commelina) sind eine Gattung in der Familie der Commelinagewächse (Commelinaceae) innerhalb der Einkeimblättrigen Pflanzen. Die etwa 200 Arten sind in den Tropen und Subtropen beheimatet.[1]

Die Gattung Commelina ist nach den holländischen Botanikern Jan Commelin (1629 – 1692) und dessen Neffen Caspar Commelin (1668 – 1731) benannt.[2] Der Botaniker Charles Plumier benannte den Commelins zu Ehren diese Gattung. Später übernahm Carl von Linné diesen Namen.


Vegetative Merkmale

Commelina-Arten sind einjährige oder ausdauernde krautige Pflanzen. Sie besitzen faserige oder knollenbildende Wurzeln. Die Stängel sind kriechend oder aufrecht, manchmal rhizomartig verdickt, aber es sind keine Rhizome vorhanden. Die wechselständige zweizeilig oder spiralig am Stängel angeordneten Laubblätter sind sitzend oder besitzen kurze Blattstiele.

Generative Merkmale

Endständig stehen ein oder zwei zymöse Blütenstände in einem spathaartigen Hochblatt oder zwei gegenständigen Hochblättern. Die deutlich gestielten, zygomorphen Blüten sind kleistogam zwittrig oder polygam, wobei einige Blüten dann ausschließlich männliche Fortpflanzungsorgane ausbilden. Die beiden Blütenhüllblattkreise sind deutlich verschieden. Die drei Kelchblätter stehen frei oder beinahe frei und sind untereinander verschieden geformt, die äußersten zwei sind oft haubenartig verwachsen. Die drei blau oder weiß gefärbten Kronblätter stehen frei, sind unterschiedlich geformt, wobei das unterste sehr klein sein kann, so dass es gelegentlich scheint, als würde es fehlen. Die oberen zwei sind an der Basis genagelt und besitzen einen deutlich vergrößerten oberen Teil. Von den sechs Staubblättern sind drei fertil (fruchtbar), diese besitzen ellipsoide oder sattel-artig geformte Staubbeutel, die sterilen Staubblätter (Staminodien) sind X-förmig. Die Staubfäden aller Staubfäden sind unbehaart. Der Fruchtknoten ist aufsitzend, unbehaart, zwei- bis dreikammerig mit einer bis zwei Samenanlagen je Kammer.

Es werden zwei- bis dreifächerige, trockene, aufspringende Kapselfrüchte gebildet. Die Samen besitzen eine glatte Oberfläche oder sind mit verschiedenartigen Markierungen versehen, sie weisen ein gerade geformtes Hilum (Keimpunkt) auf[3].

Die Chromosomengrundzahl beträgt x = 11 bis 15.


Die Gattung Commelina gehört zur Tribus Commelineae in der Unterfamilie der Commelinoideae innerhalb der Familie der Commelinaceae. Der Gattungsname Commelina wurde 1753 durch Carl von Linné in Sp. Pl., 1, S. 40 erstveröffentlicht. Lectotypus ist Commelina communis L. Synonyme für Commelina L. sind Athyrocarpus Schltdl. ex Benth., Commelinopsis Pichon, Phaeosphaerion Hassk. [4]

Die Gattung Commelina umfasst die folgenden Arten:[1]

Beschreibung einzelner Arten

Commelina benghalensis ist kriechend und hat tiefblaue Kronblätter, die an der Basis schmäler werden. Diese Pflanzenart kann nur in Gegenden mit sehr gemäßigtem Klima im Freien kultiviert werden. Ihre Heimat ist das tropische Afrika und Asien. Ihre Chromosomenzahl ist 2n = 22.[5]

Commelina coelestis ist ganz behaart. Ihre Heimat ist Mittelamerika. Ihre Chromosomenzahl ist 2n = 90.[5]

Commelina communis stammt aus Asien und ist heute in vielen Gegenden Norditaliens anzutreffen, wo sie an feuchten Plätzen, an Kanälen, Hecken und Feldern, sogar in Gärten wuchert. Der Deckblätter der himmelblauen Blüten sind nur an einer Seite verwachsen. In Japan wird diese Art als Färberpflanze kultiviert. Der blaue Farbstoff bildet den Grundstoff zum Färben des Awobanapapiers.

Commelina virginica stammt aus den USA, sie verwildert ebenfalls leicht und hat tütenartig verwachsene Hüllblätter.


  • Deyuan Hong & Robert A. DeFilipps: Commelinaceae in der Flora of China, Volume 24, 2000, S. 35: Commelina - Online. (Abschnitt Beschreibung und Systematik)
  • Robert B. Faden: Commelinaceae in der Flora of North America, Volume 22, 2000: Commelina - Online. (Abschnitt Beschreibung und Systematik)
  • Walter Erhardt u. a.: Der große Zander. Enzyklopädie der Pflanzennamen. Band 2. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2008. ISBN 978-3-8001-5406-7


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Commelina. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 20. Januar 2022.
  2. Lotte Burkhardt: Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen. Erweiterte Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]
  3. G. R. Proctor: Commelina. In: Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez und Mark T. Strong (Hrsg.): Monocots and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, In: Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, Volume 52, 2005, Seiten 157–161.
  4. Commelina im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  5. a b Tropicos. [2]
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Tagblumen: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
 src= Zygomorphe Blüte von Commelina benghalensis

Tagblumen (Commelina) sind eine Gattung in der Familie der Commelinagewächse (Commelinaceae) innerhalb der Einkeimblättrigen Pflanzen. Die etwa 200 Arten sind in den Tropen und Subtropen beheimatet.

Die Gattung Commelina ist nach den holländischen Botanikern Jan Commelin (1629 – 1692) und dessen Neffen Caspar Commelin (1668 – 1731) benannt. Der Botaniker Charles Plumier benannte den Commelins zu Ehren diese Gattung. Später übernahm Carl von Linné diesen Namen.

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Mohuku vai ( Tongan )

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Ko e mohuku vai pe musie matala pulū ko e faʻahinga mohuku ia, mo e ngaahi matalaʻiʻakau lanulangi. Ko hono ʻuhinga tatau ko e C. nudiflora pe C. pacifica.

Ko e faitā ko e C. communis, kae ʻoku meimei tatau ʻene ʻasi.

Ngaahi faʻahinga kehekehe

  • musie matala pulū, kaningi, kanini (?), Commelina benghalensis {Tropical spiderwort}
  • vakai foki ki he mohukuʻapōpoa

Hingoa ʻi he ngaahi lea kehe


Ko e kupu ʻeni ko e potuʻi ia (stub). ʻIo, ko koe, kātaki tokoni mai ʻi hono .
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Mohuku vai: Brief Summary ( Tongan )

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Ko e mohuku vai pe musie matala pulū ko e faʻahinga mohuku ia, mo e ngaahi matalaʻiʻakau lanulangi. Ko hono ʻuhinga tatau ko e C. nudiflora pe C. pacifica.

Ko e faitā ko e C. communis, kae ʻoku meimei tatau ʻene ʻasi.

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कनकाऊवा ( Hindi )

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कनकाऊवा (Commelina) एक पौधा है जिसके अन्तर्गत लगभग १७० प्रजातियाँ आती हैं। इनके पुष्प अत्यन्त अल्पजीवी होते हैं, इसलिये इन्हें 'डेफ्लावर' भी कहते हैं।[2]

बाहरी कड़ियाँ


  1. Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. Faden, Robert (2006), "Commelina", प्रकाशित Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+ (संपा॰), Flora of North America online, 22, New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press
विकिपीडिया के लेखक और संपादक

कनकाऊवा: Brief Summary ( Hindi )

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कनकाऊवा (Commelina) एक पौधा है जिसके अन्तर्गत लगभग १७० प्रजातियाँ आती हैं। इनके पुष्प अत्यन्त अल्पजीवी होते हैं, इसलिये इन्हें 'डेफ्लावर' भी कहते हैं।

विकिपीडिया के लेखक और संपादक


provided by wikipedia EN

Commelina is a genus of approximately 170 species[2] commonly called dayflowers due to the short lives of their flowers. They are less often known as widow's tears. It is by far the largest genus of its family, Commelinaceae.[3] The Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus of the 18th century named the genus after the two Dutch botanists Jan Commelijn and his nephew Caspar, each representing one of the showy petals of Commelina communis.[2]

The dayflowers are herbs that may be either perennial or annual. They are characterised by their zygomorphic flowers and by the involucral bracts called spathes that surround the flower stalks.[4] These spathes are often filled with a mucilaginous liquid. Each spathe houses either one or two scorpioid cymes, with the upper cyme being either vestigial or bearing from one to several typically male flowers, and the lower cyme bearing several flowers. All members of the genus have alternate leaves.[2]

The Asiatic dayflower (Commelina communis) is probably the best known species in the West. It is a common weed in parts of Europe and throughout eastern North America.[2] Several species, such as Commelina benghalensis, are eaten as a leaf vegetable in Southeast Asia and Africa.[5]


Floral diagram of a cyme of Commelina coelestis from Eichler's 1875 "Blütendiagramme"

Plants in the genus are perennial or annual herbs with roots that are usually fibrous or rarely tuberous or rhizomatous. The leaves are distichous (i.e. 2-ranked) or spirally arranged with blades that either lack or have a petiole. The ptyxis, or the way the leaf is folded in the bud, is either involute (i.e. having inrolled margins) or supervolute.[2][6]

The inflorescences are terminal, meaning the stem terminates with an inflorescence, and often leaf opposed, meaning it emerges at the node with a leaf of a new axillary stem. The inflorescence is composed of one or two cincinni, also called scorpioid cymes, which are monochasia (i.e. cymes with a single branched main false axis) in which the lateral branches arise alternately on opposite sides of the false axis. The distal cincinnus may either be vestigial or contain one to several flowers that are typically male. The proximal cyme is always present and is multi-flowered. The cincinni are enclosed in a folded spathe, a modified leaf, which is often filled with a mucilaginous liquid. The spathe may either have completely distinct margins or they may be fused to varying degrees at the basal end.[2][6]

The flowers are borne on pedicels and are strongly zygomorphic, meaning there is only a single plane of symmetry. Bracteoles occasionally subtend the pedicels, but they are usually absent. The flowers are either bisexual or male. There are three unequal sepals, which may either be free or the two lateral ones may be fused. The petals are free and unequal with the two upper ones being larger and clawed while the lower petal is typically reduced and often differs in colour from the other two. Flower colour is most typically blue, but lilac, lavender, yellow, peach, apricot and white also occur. There are three stamens and two to three staminodes, or infertile stamens, all of which have free, glabrous filaments. The staminodes occur posteriorly and have antherodes with four to six lobes. The stamens are anterior and are longer than the staminodes. The medial stamen differs in size and form from the lateral two, and when a central staminode is present it also differs from the other staminodes. The ovaries are bi- or trilocular and one to two ovules is present per locule.[2][6]

The fruit is a capsule that is typically bi- or trilocular, but in rare cases may be unilocular, and it is bi- or trivalved. The locules may contain one or two seeds, or no seed at all. The seeds are uniseriate (i.e. arranged in a single row), have a linear hilum and a lateral embryotega.[6]


  1. ^ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Faden, Robert (2006), "Commelina", in Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+ (ed.), Flora of North America online, vol. 22, New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press
  3. ^ Acevedo-Rodriguez, Pedro; Strong, Mark T. (2005), "Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands", Contributions of the United States National Herbarium, 52: 157–158
  4. ^ Hong, Deyuan; DeFillipps, Robert A. (2000), "Commelina diffusa", in Wu, Z. Y.; Raven, P.H.; Hong, D.Y. (ed.), Flora of China, vol. 24, Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, p. 35
  5. ^ Qaiser, M.; Jafri, S.M.H. (1975), "Commelina benghalensis", in Ali, S.I.; Qaiser, M. (ed.), Flora of Pakistan, vol. 84, St. Louis: University of Karachi & Missouri Botanical Garden, p. 10
  6. ^ a b c d Faden, Robert (1998), "Commelina", in Kubitzki, K. (ed.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, vol. 4, Berlin: Springer, p. 126
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Commelina: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Commelina is a genus of approximately 170 species commonly called dayflowers due to the short lives of their flowers. They are less often known as widow's tears. It is by far the largest genus of its family, Commelinaceae. The Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus of the 18th century named the genus after the two Dutch botanists Jan Commelijn and his nephew Caspar, each representing one of the showy petals of Commelina communis.

The dayflowers are herbs that may be either perennial or annual. They are characterised by their zygomorphic flowers and by the involucral bracts called spathes that surround the flower stalks. These spathes are often filled with a mucilaginous liquid. Each spathe houses either one or two scorpioid cymes, with the upper cyme being either vestigial or bearing from one to several typically male flowers, and the lower cyme bearing several flowers. All members of the genus have alternate leaves.

The Asiatic dayflower (Commelina communis) is probably the best known species in the West. It is a common weed in parts of Europe and throughout eastern North America. Several species, such as Commelina benghalensis, are eaten as a leaf vegetable in Southeast Asia and Africa.

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Commelina ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Commelina es un género que comprende aproximadamente unas 200 especies[3]​ de plantas herbáceas y perennes pertenecientes a la familia de las commelináceas.


Commelina communis es una planta común en el nordeste de EE. UU. Crece fácilmente en suelos urbanos, con frecuencia coloniza jardines abandonados. A menudo se le encuentra en jardines con plantas de Vinca, quizás porque la semejanza superficial de sus tallos y hojas los hacen más perdurables.[4][3]

Varias especies, especialmente Commelina benghalensis, son comestibles como vegetales en el sudeste de Asia y África.[5]

Crece en lugares con alguna exposición al sol, especialmente con sombras parciales o ligeramente sombrío. Las flores son azules y el follaje verde.

Las plantas son atractivas para abejas, mariposas y pájaros.


El género fue descrito por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 1: 40. 1753.[6]​ La especie tipo es: Commelina communis


Commelina: nombre genérico que Carlos Linneo (1707-1778) nombró por Commelina communis en honor de tres hermanos apellidados Commelin, que vivieron en Francia durante el Siglo XVIII. Los tres fueron botánicos, pero solo dos llegaron a ser famosos por su trabajo. Los dos grandes pétalos brillantes azules se dice que representan a los dos hermanos famosos, mientras que el pequeño pétalo blanco simboliza a su científicamente insignificante hermano.

Especies seleccionadas



  1. «Commelina». Real Jardín Botánico de Kew: Lista Mundial de Familias de Plantas seleccionadas. Consultado el 22 de agosto de 2009.
  2. The Plant List (2010). Versión 1. Publicado en Internet. URL:http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-220229 (9 de abril de 2014)
  3. a b Faden, Robert (2006), «Commelina», en Comité editorial de Flora of North America, eds. 1993+, ed., Flora of North America online 22, Nueva York y Oxford: Oxford University Press, consultado el 2007-21-06.
  4. Faden, Robert (1998), «Commelina», en Kubitzki, K., ed., The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 4, Berlín: Springer, p. 126.
  5. Qaiser, M.; Jafri, S.M.H. (1975), «Commelina benghalensis», en Ali, S.I.; Qaiser, M., ed., Flora of Pakistan 84, San Luis: Universidad de Karachi y Jardín Botánico de Misuri, p. 10.
  6. «Commelina». Tropicos.org. Jardín Botánico de Misuri. Consultado el 8 de noviembre de 2013.
  7. Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.
  8. Lista completa de especies

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Commelina: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Commelina es un género que comprende aproximadamente unas 200 especies​ de plantas herbáceas y perennes pertenecientes a la familia de las commelináceas.

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Soljot ( Finnish )

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Soljot (Commelina) on kasvisuku soljokasvien heimossa ja soljokasvien tyyppisuku. Sen mukaan on edelleen nimetty heimoa ylemmät taksonit Commelinales ja Commelinids-ryhmä. Soljoihin kuuluu 215 lajia.[1] Niistä rikkasoljoa on harvoin tavattu Suomessa uustulokkaana.



  1. The Plant List: Commelina (englanniksi) Viitattu 27.9.2017.
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Soljot: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Soljot (Commelina) on kasvisuku soljokasvien heimossa ja soljokasvien tyyppisuku. Sen mukaan on edelleen nimetty heimoa ylemmät taksonit Commelinales ja Commelinids-ryhmä. Soljoihin kuuluu 215 lajia. Niistä rikkasoljoa on harvoin tavattu Suomessa uustulokkaana.

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Commelina ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Commelina est un genre de plantes à fleur appartenant à la famille des Commelinaceae. Il comprend à peu près 170 espèces[2].

Liste d'espèces

Liste des variétés, espèces et sous-espèces

Selon Catalogue of Life (23 septembre 2017)[3] :

Selon ITIS (23 septembre 2017)[4] :

Selon NCBI (23 septembre 2017)[5] :

Selon The Plant List (23 septembre 2017)[6] :

Selon Tropicos (23 septembre 2017)[1] (Attention liste brute contenant possiblement des synonymes) :

Notes et références

  1. a et b Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden., consulté le 23 septembre 2017
  2. Robert Faden : "Commelina", New York et Oxford 2006, dans Flora of North America online n°22, sur efloras.org
  3. Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Vandepitte, L., DeWalt, R. E., Remsen, D., Schalk, P., Orrell, T., Keping, M., Miller, J., Aalbu, R., Adlard, R., Adriaenssens, E., Aedo, C., Aescht, E., Akkari, N., Alonso-Zarazaga, M. A., Alvarez, B., Alvarez, F., Anderson, G., et al. (2021). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2021-10-18). Catalogue of Life. https://doi.org/10.48580/d4t2, consulté le 23 septembre 2017
  4. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 23 septembre 2017
  5. NCBI, consulté le 23 septembre 2017
  6. The Plant List (2013). Version 1.1. Published on the Internet; http://www.theplantlist.org/, consulté le 23 septembre 2017

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Commelina: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Commelina est un genre de plantes à fleur appartenant à la famille des Commelinaceae. Il comprend à peu près 170 espèces.

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Módrjenk ( Upper Sorbian )

provided by wikipedia HSB

Módrjenk (Commelina) je ród ze swójby komelinowych rostlinow (Commelinaceae).


Ród Commelina słuša ke tribusej Commelineae w pódswójbje Commelinoideae znutřka swójby Commelinaceae. Mjeno roda Commelina bu w lěće 1753 wot Carl von Linné w Sp. Pl., 1, S. 40 najprjedy wozjewjene. Lectotypus je Commelina communis L.. Synonymy za Commelina L. su Athyrocarpus Schltdl. ex Benth., Commelinopsis Pichon, Phaeosphaerion Hassk.. [1]

Eksistuje něhdźe 170 Commelina-družinow (wuběrk):

Njebjomódry módrjenk (Commelina coelestis).


  1. Zapisk při GRIN. (jendź.)

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Módrjenk: Brief Summary ( Upper Sorbian )

provided by wikipedia HSB

Módrjenk (Commelina) je ród ze swójby komelinowych rostlinow (Commelinaceae).

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Commelina ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL

Commelina is een geslacht uit de familie Commelinaceae. Het geslacht telt ongeveer 170 soorten die voorkomen in de tropische en subtropische regionen.


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Commelina: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL

Commelina is een geslacht uit de familie Commelinaceae. Het geslacht telt ongeveer 170 soorten die voorkomen in de tropische en subtropische regionen.

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Commelina ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT
Commelina diffusa

Commelina L. é um género botânico pertencente à família Commelinaceae.[1]



Classificação do gênero


  • Faden, Robert (2006), "Commelina", em Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993, Flora of North America online, vol. 22, New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Acevedo-Rodriguez, Pedro; Strong, Mark T. (2005), "Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands", Contributions of the United States National Herbarium 52: 157-158
  • Hong, Deyuan; DeFillipps, Robert A. (2000), "Commelina diffusa", em Wu, Z. Y.; Raven, P.H.; Hong, D.Y., Flora of China, vol. 24, Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, pp. 35
  • Qaiser, M.; Jafri, S.M.H. (1975), "Commelina benghalensis", em Ali, S.I.; Qaiser, M., Flora of Pakistan, vol. 84, St. Louis: University of Karachi & Missouri Botanical Garden, pp. 10


  1. «pertencente à — World Flora Online». www.worldfloraonline.org. Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020

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Commelina: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT
 src= Commelina diffusa

Commelina L. é um género botânico pertencente à família Commelinaceae.

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Chi Thài lài ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI
Bài viết này cần thêm chú thích nguồn gốc để kiểm chứng thông tin. Mời bạn giúp hoàn thiện bài viết này bằng cách bổ sung chú thích tới các nguồn đáng tin cậy. Các nội dung không có nguồn có thể bị nghi ngờ và xóa bỏ.

Chi Thài lài hay chi Trai (danh pháp khoa học: Commelina) là một chi thực vật một lá mầm, được gọi chung với tên gọi cây "thài lài" với chu kỳ sống rất ngắn của hoa của chúng. Cây thài lài châu Á (Commelina communis) là một loại cỏ dại phổ biến ở đông bắc Hoa Kỳ. Nó mọc rất nhanh và phát triển tốt trong môi trường của các khu vườn bị bỏ hoang. Thông thường người ta hay nhìn thấy nó mọc troing vườn cùng với cây dừa cạn (chi Vinca), có lẽ là do sự giống nhau ở bề ngoài của thân cây và lá của chúng làm cho chúng khó bị nhổ đi hơn.

Đặc điểm

Môi trường sinh sống ưa thích: Ưa nắng hoặc nơi có bóng râm ở mức độ vừa phải. Màu hoa: Lam nhạt đến tím ánh lam nhạt. Lá: thường xanh. Các loài cây này hấp dẫn ong, bướm và/hoặc chim. Nhu cầu về nước: Tưới nước đều đặn; nhưng không ưa thích môi trường quá ẩm ướt.

Một số loài

Hình chụp gần của hoa thài lài

Chi này hiện biết có 170 loài. Một số loài cụ thể như sau:

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

Tham khảo

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết bộ Thài lài này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Chi Thài lài: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Chi Thài lài hay chi Trai (danh pháp khoa học: Commelina) là một chi thực vật một lá mầm, được gọi chung với tên gọi cây "thài lài" với chu kỳ sống rất ngắn của hoa của chúng. Cây thài lài châu Á (Commelina communis) là một loại cỏ dại phổ biến ở đông bắc Hoa Kỳ. Nó mọc rất nhanh và phát triển tốt trong môi trường của các khu vườn bị bỏ hoang. Thông thường người ta hay nhìn thấy nó mọc troing vườn cùng với cây dừa cạn (chi Vinca), có lẽ là do sự giống nhau ở bề ngoài của thân cây và lá của chúng làm cho chúng khó bị nhổ đi hơn.

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Коммелина ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Основная статья: Виды рода Коммелина

По информации базы данных The Plant List, род включает 215 видов[5]. Некоторые из них:


  1. Об условности указания класса однодольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Однодольные».
  2. Commelina в разделе Флора Северной Америки сайта eFloras.org (англ.) Проверено 21 сентября 2008 г.
  3. Онлайн доступные публикации, содержащие подобные утверждения:
  4. Casparus Commelin (1634—1693) на сайте Our Family Commelin (недоступная ссылка) (нид.) (фр.) (англ.) Проверено 22 сентября 2008 г.
  5. Commelina (англ.). The Plant List. Version 1.1. (2013). Проверено 13 августа 2016.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Коммелина: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

鸭跖草属 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

鸭跖草属学名Commelina)是鸭跖草科下的一个属,为草本植物。该属共有230种,主要分布于热带亚热带地区,模式种為鴨跖草Commelina communis)。[2]


  1. ^ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. ^ 中国种子植物科属词典. 中国数字植物标本馆. (原始内容存档于2012-04-11).



鸭跖草属: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

鸭跖草属(学名:Commelina)是鸭跖草科下的一个属,为草本植物。该属共有230种,主要分布于热带亚热带地区,模式种為鴨跖草(Commelina communis)。


닭의장풀속 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

닭의장풀속(--欌-屬, 학명: Commelina 콤멜리나[*])은 닭의장풀과에서 가장 큰 이다.[1] 닭의장풀을 비롯한 200여 한해살이 또는 여러해살이 초본식물을 포함한다.[2] 부정제화인 것이 특징이다.[3]

하위 종

  • 닭의장풀 C. communis L.
    • C. communis var. ludens (Miq.) C.B.Clarke
  • 애기닭의장풀 C. mina Y.N.Lee & Y.J.Oh
  • C. acutispatha De Wild.
  • C. acutissima Urb.
  • C. africana L.
    • C. africana var. karooica (C.B.Clarke) Govaerts
    • C. africana var. krebsiana (Kunth) C.B.Clarke
    • C. africana var. lancispatha C.B.Clarke
    • C. africana var. mannii (C.B.Clarke) Brenan
  • C. agrostophylla F.Muell.
  • C. albescens Hassk.
  • C. albiflora Faden
  • C. amplexicaulis Hassk.
  • C. angustissima K.Schum.
  • C. appendiculata C.B.Clarke
  • C. arenicola Faden
  • C. ascendens J.K.Morton
  • C. aspera G.Don ex Benth.
  • C. attenuata K.D.Koenig ex Vahl
  • C. aurantiiflora Faden & Raynsf.
  • C. auriculata Blume
  • C. avenifolia J.Graham
  • C. bambusifolia Matuda
  • C. bambusifolioides Matuda
  • C. bangii Rusby
  • C. barbata Lam.
  • C. beccariana Martelli
  • C. bella Oberm.
  • C. benghalensis L.
  • C. bequaertii De Wild.
  • C. bianoensis De Wild.
  • C. boissieriana C.B.Clarke
  • C. bracteosa Hassk.
  • C. bravoa Matuda
  • C. cameroonensis J.K.Morton
  • C. capitata Benth.
  • C. caroliniana Walter
  • C. carsonii C.B.Clarke
  • C. cecilae C.B.Clarke
  • C. chamissonis Klotzsch ex C.B.Clarke
  • C. ciliata Stanley
  • C. claessensii De Wild.
  • C. clarkeana K.Schum.
  • C. clavata C.B.Clarke
  • C. coelestis Willd.
  • C. congesta C.B.Clarke
  • C. congestipantha López-Ferr., Espejo & Ceja
  • C. corbisieri De Wild.
  • C. corradii Chiov. ex Chiarugi
  • C. crassicaulis C.B.Clarke
  • C. critica De Wild.
  • C. cufodontii Chiov.
  • C. cuneata C.B.Clarke
  • C. cyanea R.Br.
  • C. dammeriana K.Schum.
  • C. deflexa Rusby
  • C. dekindtiana Fritsch
  • C. demissa C.B.Clarke
  • C. dianthifolia Delile
    • C. dianthifolia var. longispatha (Torr.) Brashier
  • C. diffusa Burm.f.
    • C. diffusa var. gigas (Small) Faden
    • C. diffusa subsp. scandens (Welw. ex C.B.Clarke) Oberm.
  • C. disperma Faden
  • C. droogmansiana De Wild.
  • C. echinosperma K.Schum.
  • C. echinulata Lebrun & Taton
  • C. eckloniana Kunth
  • C. elgonensis Bullock
  • C. elliptica Kunth
  • C. ensifolia R.Br.
  • C. erecta L.
    • C. erecta f. dielsii (Herter) Bacig.
    • C. erecta f. hamipila (C.Wright ex Sauvalle) Brashier
    • C. erecta f. roseopurpurea (Herter) Bacig.
    • C. erecta var. angustifolia (Michx.) Fernald
    • C. erecta subsp. maritima (C.V.Morton) C.V.Morton
  • C. fasciculata Ruiz & Pav.
  • C. firma Welw. ex C.B.Clarke
  • C. fluviatilis Brenan
  • C. foliacea Chiov.
  • C. forskaolii Vahl
  • C. forsskalii Vahl
  • C. frutescens Faden
  • C. gelatinosa Edgew.
  • C. geniculata Ham.
  • C. giorgii De Wild.
  • C. gourmaensis A.Chev.
  • C. grandis Brenan
  • C. grossa C.B.Clarke
  • C. guaranitica C.B.Clarke ex Chodat & Hassl.
  • C. haitiensis Urb. & Ekman
  • C. heterosperma Blatt. & Hallb.
  • C. hispida Ruiz & Pav.
  • C. hockii De Wild.
  • C. holubii C.B.Clarke
  • C. homblei De Wild.
  • C. huillensis Welw. ex C.B.Clarke
  • C. humblotii H.Perrier
  • C. imberbis Ehrenb. ex Hassk.
  • C. indehiscens E.Barnes
  • C. irumuensis De Wild.
  • C. jaliscana Matuda
  • C. jamesonii C.B.Clarke
  • C. kapiriensis De Wild.
  • C. kilanga De Wild.
  • C. kilimandscharica K.Schum.
  • C. kisantuensis De Wild.
  • C. kituloensis Faden
  • C. lagosensis C.B.Clarke
  • C. lanceolata R.Br.
  • C. latifolia Hochst. ex A.Rich.
  • C. leiocarpa Benth.
  • C. livingstonii C.B.Clarke
  • C. longicapsa C.B.Clarke
  • C. longifolia Lam.
  • C. loureiroi Kunth
  • C. lukei Faden
  • C. lukonzolwensis De Wild.
  • C. luteiflora De Wild.
  • C. luzonensis Elmer
  • C. macrospatha Gilg & Ledermann ex Mildbr.
  • C. macrosperma J.K.Morton
  • C. maculata Edgew.
  • C. madagascarica C.B.Clarke
  • C. major H.Perrier
  • C. martyrum H.Lév.
  • C. mascarenica C.B.Clarke
  • C. mathewsii (C.B.Clarke) Faden & D.R.Hunt
  • C. melanorrhiza Faden
  • C. membranacea Robyns
  • C. mensensis Schweinf.
  • C. merkeri K.Schum.
  • C. microspatha K.Schum.
  • C. milne-redheadii Faden
  • C. minor Y.N.Lee & Y.C.Oh
  • C. modesta Oberm.
  • C. montigena H.Perrier
  • C. mwatayamvoana P.A.Duvign. & Dewit
  • C. nairobiensis Faden
  • C. neurophylla C.B.Clarke
  • C. nigritana Benth.
    • C. nigritana var. gambiae (C.B.Clarke) Brenan
  • C. nivea López-Ferr., Espejo & Ceja
  • C. nyasensis C.B.Clarke
  • C. obliqua Vahl
  • C. obscura K.Schum.
  • C. oligotricha Miq.
  • C. opulens C.B.Clarke
  • C. orchidophylla Faden & Layton
  • C. paleata Hassk.
  • C. pallida Willd.
  • C. paludosa Blume
  • C. petersii Hassk.
    • C. petersii subsp. loandensis (C.B.Clarke) Faden
  • C. phaeochaeta Chiov.
  • C. platyphylla Klotzsch ex Seub.
  • C. polhillii Faden & M.H.Alford
  • C. praecox T.C.E.Fr.
  • C. pseudopurpurea Faden
  • C. pseudoscaposa De Wild.
  • C. purpurea C.B.Clarke
  • C. pycnospatha Brenan
  • C. pynaertii De Wild.
  • C. pyrrhoblepharis Hassk.
  • C. quarrei De Wild.
  • C. queretarensis López-Ferr., Espejo & Ceja
  • C. quitensis Benth.
  • C. ramosissima López-Ferr., Espejo & Ceja
  • C. ramulosa (C.B.Clarke) H.Perrier
  • C. reflexa Rusby
  • C. reptans Brenan
  • C. reticulata Stanley
  • C. reygaertii De Wild.
  • C. rhodesica Norl.
  • C. robynsii De Wild.
  • C. rogersii Burtt Davy
  • C. rosulata Faden & Layton
  • C. ruandensis De Wild.
  • C. rufipes Seub.
    • C. rufipes var. glabrata (D.R.Hunt) Faden & D.R.Hunt
  • C. rufociliata C.B.Clarke
  • C. rupicola Font Quer ex Emb. & Maire
  • C. rzedowskii López-Ferr., Espejo & Ceja
  • C. sabatieri C.B.Clarke
  • C. saxatilis H.Perrier
  • C. saxosa De Wild.
  • C. scabra Benth.
  • C. scaposa C.B.Clarke ex De Wild. & T.Durand
  • C. schinzii C.B.Clarke
  • C. schliebenii Mildbr.
  • C. schomburgkiana Klotzsch
  • C. schweinfurthii C.B.Clarke
  • C. shinsendaensis De Wild.
  • C. sikkimensis C.B.Clarke
  • C. singularis Vell.
  • C. socorrogonzaleziae Espejo & López-Ferr.
  • C. somalensis Chiov.
  • C. spectabilis C.B.Clarke
  • C. sphaerorrhizoma Faden & Layton
  • C. standleyi Steyerm.
  • C. stefaniniana Chiov.
  • C. stolzii Mildbr.
  • C. subcucullata C.B.Clarke
  • C. subscabrifolia De Wild.
  • C. subulata Roth
  • C. suffruticosa Blume
  • C. sylvatica De Wild.
  • C. texcocana Matuda
  • C. thomasii Hutch.
  • C. trachysperma Chiov.
  • C. transversifolia De Wild.
  • C. triangulispatha Mildbr.
  • C. tricarinata Stanley
  • C. tricolor E.Barnes
  • C. trilobosperma K.Schum.
  • C. tuberosa L.
  • C. umbellata Schumach. & Thonn.
  • C. undulata R.Br.
  • C. ussilensis Schweinf.
  • C. vanderystii De Wild.
  • C. velutina Mildbr.
  • C. vermoesenii De Wild.
  • C. villosa C.B.Clarke ex Chodat & Hassl.
  • C. virginica L.
  • C. welwitschii C.B.Clarke
  • C. wightii Raizada
  • C. zambesica C.B.Clarke
  • C. zenkeri C.B.Clarke
  • C. zeylanica Falkenb.
  • C. zigzag P.A.Duvign. & Dewit


  1. Acevedo-Rodriguez, Pedro; Strong, Mark T. (2005), “Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands”, 《Contributions of the United States National Herbarium》 52: 157–158
  2. Faden, Robert (2006), 〈Commelina〉, Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+, 《Flora of North America online》 22, New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press
  3. Hong, Deyuan; DeFillipps, Robert A. (2000), 〈Commelina diffusa〉, Wu, Z. Y.; Raven, P.H.; Hong, D.Y., 《Flora of China》 24, Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, 35쪽
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