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Foodplant / mycorrhiza / ectomycorrhiza
fruitbody of Cortinarius caerulescens is ectomycorrhizal with live root of Fagus
Remarks: Other: uncertain


Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Cortinarius caerulescens Fries; Maire, Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr
27:424. 1912.
Cortinarius caerulescens Fries, Bpicr. Myc. 265, in part. 1838.
Pileus fleshy, convex, then convex-plane, quite thick, 3-6 cm. broad; surface with a separable, viscid pellicle, glabrous, even, violaceous-blue, ochraceous-tinged on the disk, sometimes entirely ochraceous-yellow, not hygrophanous, the margin at first incurved, pubescent and white, then spreading and violaceous; context paleviolaceous-blue, especially under the cuticle, then whitish, at length ochraceous-stained, the odor slight, the taste mild; lamellae arcuate, then plane or slightly ventricose, attenuate in front, rounded behind, thin, broad, rather broadly adnate, violet-amethyst or violet-blue at first, then rusty-brown, the edge serratulate; stipe cylindric-conic, 3-5 cm. long, 10 mm. thick, with a marginate bulb, fibrous-fleshy, dry, silky-fibrillose, violaceous-blue to amethyst-blue, the bulb white, solid; cortina violaceous at first; universal veil rapidly evanescent; spores subamygdaliform, ellipsoid, tuberculate, 12-14
X 6-7 /x.
Type locality: Sweden. Habitat: In coniferous and mixed forests. Distribution: Tennessee; also in Europe.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso Murrill, Lee Oras Overholts, Calvin Henry Kauffman. 1932. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars), HYPODENDRUM, CORTINARIUS. North American flora. vol 10(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
visit source
partner site
North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Cortinarius caesiocyaneus Britz. Bot. Centr. 62: 307, in part
1895; 80: 58, in part. 1899; Maire, Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr.
26: 176. 1910.
Pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded-plane, sometimes depressed in the center, 5-12 cm. broad; surface bluish-violaceouswhite to silvery-violaceous, glabrous, even, with a viscid, separable pellicle, silky-shining when dry, the margin becoming silky and at first incurved; context pale-violet, fading slowly, thick, the odor and taste mild; lamellae rather narrow, adnexed, rounded behind then sinuate, thin, pale-violaceous, soon pale-alutaceous, then cinnamon, crowded, the edge even or becoming eroded; stipe stout, 4-7 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick, solid, pale-violaceous-white, concolorous within, equal above the large, flattened, marginatedepressed bulb, the bulb white on the surface from the white universal veil, attached to white mycelium; cortina violaceous-white; spores almond-shaped, ellipsoid, tuberculate, 10-12 (rarely 13) X 6-7 m, cinnamon in mass.
Type locality: Bavaria, Germany.
Habitat: In frondose or coniferous woods, on the ground among fallen leaves. Distribution: Northeastern North America to Missouri; Colorado; California.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso Murrill, Lee Oras Overholts, Calvin Henry Kauffman. 1932. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars), HYPODENDRUM, CORTINARIUS. North American flora. vol 10(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
visit source
partner site
North American Flora