

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Cryptocotitus acus n. sp.
Figs. 34A-34N

Description. 2.6 mm long. Antenna 1 with each ramus with large tuft of setae; several scaled teeth and two small articles present on basal segment. Antenna 2 extends caudally to peraeonal segment VII; first of five flagellar articles slightly longer than others. Coxal extensions with about five teeth on posterior border of each. Peraeopods I–III bulbous and prehensile with one scalelike seta where apex of dactylus rests when folded to prop­odus. Peraeopods IV and V with flattened, elon­gate propodi with distal part of segment expanded. Peraeopods VI and VII thin; dactylus of VII extremely long. Peraeopods I–V each with ischium extended dorsally, apparently as edge of groove that holds other segment (or segments) when ap­pendage is reflexed. Pleopod 1 with three long setae on endopod, and four long ones and one short one on exopod. Pleotelson with posterior margin medially produced. Basis of uropod short with exopod about two-thirds length of endopod; exopod with five apical setae, endopod with three. The name of the species acus, from the Latin, refers to the needlelike dactylus of peraeopod VII.

Type locality. 15-1287: 39°14'S, 75°43'W; 39°28'S, 75°54'W; 2269 m. Holotype.

Distribution. Known only from type locality.

Affinities. This specimen and those of Nalocryptus longicaudatus described above have bulbous peraeopods I–III. There are many other things that are different, however. Peraeopod VII is narrow and elongate similar to that of Asconiscus simplex, the only species in Asconiscidae Tattersall [1911].”

(Schultz, George, 1977: 117-120)

Schultz, George, 1977: 117-120
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History - Antarctic Invertebrates