
Taxonomic History

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Lobopelta conigera Mayr, 1876 PDF: 89 (w.) AUSTRALIA. Australasia. AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

Combination in Leptogenys: Forel, 1900b PDF: 65.Senior synonym of Leptogenys conigera mutans: Taylor, 1988 PDF: 34.
California Academy of Sciences
bibliographic citation
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description

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- [[ worker ]], - Long. 6,4 a 7,5 mill. - Differe de la forme typique, a laquelle elle ressemble enormement, sauf pour la taille, par ses antennes dont le scape depasse l'occiput de 1 / 8 a peine de sa longueur et par les articles 8 a 10 du funicule aussi larges que longs (plus longs que larges chez le type de l'espece). Pas de reflet. La suture meso-metanotale est obsolete, a peine indiquee. Le n oe ud du pedicule est seulement deux fois plus long que sa largeur posterieure (plus long chez le type et surtout chez la race mutans ). Pilosite un peu plus fine et moins abondante que chez le type.

Townsville, Queensland (Turner) et Charter Towers, Ost Queensland (Wiederkehr). Chez ces derniers exemplaires, le n oe ud du pedicule est plus eleve, surtout devant.

On peut dire que la forme typique, decrite par Mayr, est intermediaire entre les races mutans et Adlerzi qui, si on ne la connaissait pas, devraient constituer deux especes.

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bibliographic citation
Forel, A., 1900, Ponerinae et Dorylinae d'Australie. Récoltés par MM. Turner, Froggatt, Nugent, Chase, Rothney, J.-J. Walker, etc., Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, pp. 54-77, vol. 44
Forel, A.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description

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- [[ worker ]]. - Long. 10 a 11 mill. - Differe de l'espece typique, dont elle a la taille, par un fort reffet bleuatre identique a celui de la L. chinensis , par sa taille plus grele, ses scapes depassant l'occiput de presque un tiers de leur longueur (1 / 5 chez la forme typique), sa tete retrecie derriere, plus etroite derriere que devant (plutot plus large chez la forme typique), son mesonotum extraordinalrement court, formant une bande transversale quatre fois plus large que longue, sa suture meso-metanotale distincte et son pedicule encore plus etroit, Les yeux sont situes aussi un peu plus en arriere, pres du milieu des cotes de la tete.

Mackay, Queensland (Turner).

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bibliographic citation
Forel, A., 1900, Ponerinae et Dorylinae d'Australie. Récoltés par MM. Turner, Froggatt, Nugent, Chase, Rothney, J.-J. Walker, etc., Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, pp. 54-77, vol. 44
Forel, A.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

[[worker]]. Length 7.0 mm.

Dark brown, shining; mandibles, antennae, promesonotal suture, and declivity of epinotum castaneous brown; legs similarly coloured, but brighter, almost red; borders of segments of gaster and the apical segments castaneous brown; petiole less deep brown than body.

Body with a fine yellowish pilosity, thickest on gaster. Antennae and legs pilose. Four or five extremely long hairs on scape.

Mandibles with four teeth, one on apex, another at extreme base, and two between, with indications of a few smaller irregular teeth in between. A groove runs from the upper surface of base and curves to the outer border, finishing at apex. Eyes large, in front of middle of sides of head. Clypeus has a high and sharp median carina; the extreme apex of clypeus is truncate.

Head as long as broad, broadest at base of mandibles, sides feebly convex, occipital border slightly concave. Scape passes the occipital border by a little more than its thickness. Second joint of funiculus longer than first, the joints thence diminishing until the apical. Thorax in profile slightly depressed at mesonotum. Base of epinotum nearly twice as long as declivity, the angle joining them rounded. Node higher than epinotum and as high as base, of gaster; from above somewhat wedge-shaped, twice as wide behind as in front; in profile wider than high, highest posteriorly, where it is vertical; convex in front. There is a considerable constriction between first and second segments of gaster.

Mandibles with both large and small scattered punctures. Clypeus rough, with larger irregular punctures. Head with spaced small piligerous points; thorax with similar points, but more widely spaced; declivity of epinotum smooth and shining. Node and gaster with a few points.

Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia (G. Hill, no. 607), 1/7/15.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Crawley, W. C., 1921, New and little-known species of ants from various localities., Annals and Magazine of Natural History, pp. 87-97, vol. (9)7
Crawley, W. C.
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Plazi (legacy text)