Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harpiosquilla raphidea (Fabricius, 1798)
Squilla raphidea Fabricius, 1798, p. 416.—Latreille, 1802, p. 279; 1828, p. 471.—Milne-Edwards, 1837, p. 524.—Gibbes, 1850, p. 199 (discussion; p. 35 on separate].—Miers, 1880, p. 27 [part].—Preudhomme de Borre, 1882, p. cxi.—de Man, 1888, p. 296.—Thallwitz, 1892, p. 55.—Henderson, 1893, p. 453.—Sharp, 1893, p. 108.—Thurston, 1895, p. 120.—de Man, 1898, p. 694.—Lanchester, 1900, p. 264; 1901, p. 553.—Nobili, 1903, p. 38.—Lanchester, 1906, p. 133.—Kemp, 1913, p. 88 [part]; 1915, p. 172; 1918, p. 297.—Sunier, 1918, p. 70, fig. 3.—Hansen, 1921, p. 79.—Kemp and Chopra, 1921, p. 298 [listed].—Smedley, 1927, p. 231.—Roxas and Estampador, 1930, p. 101.—Chopra, 1934, p. 27 [part].—Tweedie, 1934, p. 40.—Foxon, 1939, p. 259 [discussion of larvae].—Gravely, 1941, p. 74.—Holthuis, 1941, p. 256 [part].—Nair, 1941, p. 544, figs. 3–10, 21, 23–30, pl. 29 (figs. 34–35), pl. 30 (figs. 37–38, 40) [embryology].—Chacko, 1942, p. 404.— Alikunhi and Aiyar, 1942, p. 56, figs. 3–4 [larvae]; 1943, p. 81 [growth].—Alikunhi, 1950, p. 103 [discussion; larvae]; 1952, p. 265, fig. 9 [larvae].—Tiwari and Biswas, 1952, p. 356, figs. 3a, c, e.—Ingle, 1963, p. 14 [key].—Zimsen, 1964, p. 653 [listed].—Holthuis, 1964, p. 140 [listed].—Alikunhi, 1965, p. 35 [postlarva; listed].—Manning 1968a, p. 121 [listed].
Squilla raphidia.—Bosc, 1801–1802, p. 122 [erroneous spelling].
Squilla mantis (B) var. major Lamarck, 1818, p. 187 [in synonymy].—Deshayés and Milne-Edwards, 1838, p. 322; 1839, p. 373 [in synonymy].
Squilla Mantis.—Latreille, 1818, p. 6, pl. 324 [not Squilla mantis (Linnaeus)].
Squilla Raphidia.—Bosc, 1830, p. 95 [erroneous spelling].
Squilla Raphidea.—Herklots, 1861, p. 152 [p. 39 on separate; listed].
Alimerichthus Claus, 1871, p. 147, pl. 8 (fig. 30) [larva; p. 39 on separate].—?Brooks, 1886, p. 96 [discussion].
Alimerichthus pyramidalis Lanchester, 1903, p. 457 [larva].—Gurney, 1946, p. 161 [references].
Squilla raphidea var. africana Balss, 1910, p. 8, fig. 2b.
Alima pyramidalis.—Gurney, 1946, p. 159 [references].
Squilla (Alima) raphidea.—Alikunhi, 1952, p.269 [discussion of larvae].
?Harpiosquilla raphidea.—Alikunhi, 1967, p. 894, figs. 114–125, pl. 2 [larvae and young; part?].
Harpiosquilla raphidea.—Chhapgar and Sane, 1968, p. 45 [key.]—Manning, 1968b, p. 14 [key].—Tirmizi and Manning, 1968, p. 31, fig. 12.
not Squilla raphidea.—Berthold, 1845, p. 47; 1847, p. 29.—White, 1847, p. 84.—Bigelow, 1894, pp. 511 [key], 535.—Tattersall, 1906, p. 166.—Balss, 1910, p. 8, fig. 2a.—Parisi, 1922, p. 103.—Komai, 1927, p. 323.—Komai, Akatsuka, and Ikari, 1927, p. 295.—Komai and Ikari, 1929, p. 121.—Gravier, 1930, p. 525.—Serène, 1937, p. 68 [listed].—Komai, 1938, p. 268.—Suvatti, 1938, p. 52—Chopra, 1939, p. 158.—Liu, 1949, p. 43, pl. 6 (figs. 15–17).—Anonymous, 1949, p. 843, fig. 2421.—Barnard, 1950, p. 851, figs. 1c, g.—Suvatti, 1950, p. 132.—Dawydoff, 1952, p. 145.—Serène, 1953, p. 507; 1954, pp. 6, 8, 62, pl. 4 (figs. 1–6).—Millard and Harrison, 1954, p. 176 [listed].—Day and Morgans, 1956, p. 306 [listed].—Utinomi, 1956, p. 91, pl. 46 (fig. 2) [colored figure].—Yamaji, 1959, fig. on p. 68.—Utinomi, 1960, p. 114, pl. 57 (fig. 7) [colored figure].—Chuang, 1961, pp. 181, 206, pl. 81 (fig. 4), lowest fig. on pl. 82.—Stephenson, 1962, p. 34.—Crosnier, 1965, p. 61 [listed]. [All = H. harpax (de Haan).]
not Squilla raphidea.—?Tate, 1883, p. 48.—Stephenson, 1952, p. 4; 1953, p. 43. [All probably = H. stephensoni, new species.]
not Chloridella raphidea.—Rathbun, 1902, p. 55. [=H. japonica, new species.]
not Squilla raphidea.—Fukuda, 1913, pp. 70, 72, fig. on p. 71. [=H. japonica, new species.]
not Squilla raphidia.—Torralbas, 1917, p. 621 [p. 81 on separate] [=Squilla empusa Say, 1818].
not Squilla raphidoea.—Serène, 1939, p. 349 [erroneous spelling; ?=H. harpax].
not Squilla raphidea.—Stephenson and McNeill, 1955, p. 239 [a mixture of H. harpax (de Haan), H. melanoura Manning, and H. stephensoni, new species].
MATERIAL.—1 ♀ , 216 mm; Sandakan, North Borneo, Indonesia; Herre, col.; 30 June 1929; SI Crust. 125360.—2 ♀ , 250–277 mm; Thailand; Hugh M.
Smith; SI Crust. 93736.—1 ♀ , 270 mm; Pak Poon. [Pakpoon, western side of Gulf of Siam, Nakon Sritamarat Province], Thailand; Hugh M. Smith; 19 October 1923; SI Crust. 69530.—1 ♂ , CL 56.0 mm; same; SI Crust. 106388.—1 ♂ , 310 mm; taken with a 60 mile radius of Bombay, India; C. L. Kaufmann; SI Crust. 104363.
DIAGNOSIS.—Size large, adults with TL to 335 mm; antennular peduncle shorter than carapace; corneal indices ranging between 380 and 530 (Table 1); rostral plate (Figure 4) longer than broad, with slender anterior projection; carapace with median carina; upper margin of propodus of claw usually with 1 smaller spine or denticle between largest spines; dactylus of claw with 8 teeth, outer margin with prominent angular projection in adult males (Figure 5); fifth thoracic somite (Figure 7) with lateral spine; posterior 3 thoracic somites with submedian and intermediate carinae, intermediates spined posteriorly; ventral keel of eighth thoracic somite rounded; all 6 abdominal somites with submedian carinae, abdominal carinae spined as follows: submedian 6, intermediate 1–6, lateral 1–6, marginal 1–5; denticles rounded, 4–5, 8, 1; marginal carina about twice as long as carina of lateral tooth, usually fused with it in large specimens;
postanal carina extending about halfway between anus and posterior margin; proximal portion of inner half of distal segment of uropodal exopod with dark pigment.
COLOR.—The color pattern is not well marked in any of the specimens examined. Posterior 3 thoracic and first 5 abdominal somites each with dark posterior line; fifth thoracic somite with dark anterior line; telson with proximal pair of dark spots; uropodal exopod with dark spot, primarily on inner surface, on distal third of proximal segment; some dark pigment on inner proximal third of distal segment of uropodal exopod, but inner half of distal segment not completely dark.
Tirmizi and Manning (1968, p. 33) noted that a fresh specimen from Karachi, West Pakistan was colored as follows:
… ocular peduncles light pink; posterior border of carapace with a black band; antennal scale yellowish, outlined with dark pigment; claw with merus pink, also marked with a greenish yellow patch; distal end of propodus with bright yellow streak; thorax and abdomen appearing speckled; last 3 thoracic and first 3 abdominal somites pink, last 3 abdominal somites more cream-colored; tips of spines of last 4 abdominal somites yellow; posterior margin of first 4 abdominal somites black; carinae of telson bluish, apices of teeth yellow; telson with pair of submedian yellow-brown spots; uropod lightly marked with yellow and black, inner half of distal segment of exopod grayish, outer half yellow.
SIZE.—Only intact male examined, TL 310 mm; females, TL 216–277 mm. Males ranging between 197–275 mm TL and females ranging between 160–288 mm TL have been recorded in the literature. Kemp (1913) recorded a specimen of TL 335 mm but did not specify its sex.
Other measurements of a female, TL 277 mm: carapace length 57.0; cornea width 12.0; antennular peduncle length 42.0; rostral plate length 13.6, width 8.2; raptorial propodus length 81.4; fifth abdominal somite width 59.8; telson length 52.4, width 54.3.
- bibliographic citation
- Manning, Raymond B. 1969. "A review of the genus Harpiosquilla (Crustacea, Stomatopoda), with descriptions of three new species." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-41.