
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Euchaeta sarsi Farran, 1908

Not Euchaeta sarsi.—With, 1915:178, pl. 6: fig. 7b [male only] [=Euchaeta hansenii].

Not Paraeuchaeta sarsi—A. Scott, 1909:75, pl. 21: figs. 9–15 [male only] [=Euchaeta barbate].

Euchaeta sarsi is a deep-living species known to occur widely over the tropical, subtropical, and temperate zones of the World Ocean (Vervoort, 1963; Tanaka and Omori, 1968). In the present study, the species was represented by 35 females and 5 males found in tows down to depths exceeding 1000 m. These finding are the first record of the species in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. The females ranged from 8.50 to 9.41 mm in body length and from 6.25 to 6.75 mm in prosome length, and the males measured 7.00–7.41 mm in body length and 5.16–5.41 mm in prosome length.

The female of E. sarsi is closely related to that of E. calva but can be distinguished from it by the large body size and long genital flanges as compared with the length of the genital segment posterior to the flanges (Figure 17c). The male of E. sarsi was correctly described for the first time by Sars (1925) and redescribed by Tanaka (1958), and can be readily recognized, as in the other species of the genus, by its characteristic serrated lamella of the left fifth leg (Figure 17g–i.)
bibliographic citation
Park, Taisoo. 1975. "Calanoid copepods of the family Euchaetidae from the Gulf of Mexico and western Caribbean Sea." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-26. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.196