Unresolved name

Anaitides patagonica


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

“Phyllodoce patagonica (Kinberg).

Anaitides patagonica, Bergström, 1914, p. 147, fig. 46 a-c, with synonymy.

OCCURENCE. St. WS 177 (I); WS 239 (2 juv.); WS 274 (I); WS 771 (6); WS 784 (I); WS 785 (I).

SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. A narrow, elongate species with up to about 200 chaetigers. A nuchal papilla is present and the tentacular formula is I + O [aI/aI] + B[aI/aN]. In the first few segments the dorsal cirri are broadly lanceolate, but in the middle and hinder region they are more or less rectangular. The ventral cirrus tapers to a point. The papillae of the proboscis are arranged in 13 rows of which one is mid-dorsal and 12 are lateral. There are about five papillae in the mid-dorsal row and nine or ten in the lateral rows.”

(Monro, 1936)