
Clepticodes clasmaticus Meyrick

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Clepticodes clasmaticus Meyrick

Clepticodes clasmatica Meyrick, 1934b:479.—Clarke, 1955 [1955–1970]:93.

Male genitalia slide USNM 25038. Harpe with a broad base, extended narrowly into a long distal portion; cucullus narrowly rounded; sacculus produced as a digitate process. Socius a broad, flat pad. Vinculum very broad basally, pointed distally. Tegumen a narrow sclerotized band. Anellus consisting of a crescentic proximal portion with a fleshy lobe on each side posteriorly. Aedeagus stout, long, nearly straight; vesica armed with a large cluster of strong cornuti.

Female genitalia slide USNM 25039. Ostium funnel-shaped. Antrum not differentiated. Inception of ductus seminalis from anterior end of bursa copulatrix. Ductus bursae long, wide, membranous. Bursa copulatrix membranous. Signum complex; consisting of a palmate series of ridges and a narrow, sclerotized band encircling the bursa copulatrix.

HOLOTYPE.—In the British Museum (Natural History).

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Fiji, Vunidawa.

DISTRIBUTION.—Fiji, Gilbert Islands (Tarawa Atoll), Fatu Hiva. From the Marquesas there are before me the following specimens: Fatu Hiva, Omoa, 13 Mar to 8 Apr 1968, 7.


This is the first record of this species from the Marquesas Islands and as far as I know, is the most eastward extension of its range in the Pacific.

Crypsithyrodes Zimmerman, 1978:267.

TYPE-SPECIES.—Blabophanes obumbrata Butler, 1881:396; by monotypy and original designation.
bibliographic citation
Clarke, J. F. Gates. 1986. "Pyralidae and Microlepidoptera of the Marquesas Archipelago." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-485. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.416