
Dicranella rufescens

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Dicranella rufescens (Dicks.) Schimp, Coroll. Bryol
Eur. 13. 1855.
Bryum rufescens Dicks. PL Crypt. Brit. 3: 6. 1793. Dicranum rufescens Smith, Engl. Bot. pi. 1216. 1803. Anisothecium rufescens Lindb. Utkast 33. 1878.
Plants in broad, loose mats, sometimes gregarious, of a brown color more or less tinged with red; stems slender, mostly simple, up to 15 mm. high, with rather distant, spreading lower leaves, more crowded and sometimes slightly secund above; lower stem-leaves shorter, the upper about 1 mm. long, from an ovate-lanceolate base gradually narrowed to a broadish, somewhat grooved point with flat, entire or slightly serrulate margins and an acute serrulate apex; costa about 40 p. wide at the base, one fifth the width of the leaf -base, nearly or quite percurrent; leaf-cells rectangular with thin walls, the upper ones about 6 x wide and 40-60 /t long, the marginal row often slightly inflated, up to 8 p wide; perichaetial leaves very similar to the stem-leaves but larger, up to 1.75 mm. long: seta reddish-brown, flexuous-erect, 4r-7 mm. long: capsule ovoid, about 0.75 mm. long without lid, symmetric, erect, wide-mouthed when empty and smooth or slightly furrowed; annulus none; lid conic, short rostrate, one half to two thirds as long as the capsule; peristome-teeth about 60 ft wide at the base, red, striate, divided scarcely one half down, with the not striate, thick-walled cells of the basal membrane extending
3 or 4 rows up above the mouth of the capsule: spores slightly roughened, up to 16 p in diameter.
* %
Type locality: England.
Distribution: New Brunswick to Ontario and Virginia; Alaska to British Columbia; reported from Washington and Oregon ; also in Europe and Asia.
bibliographic citation
Robert Statham Williams. 1913. (BRYALES); DICRANACEAE, LEUCOBRYACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora