
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Anthrax snowi

MALE.—Body mostly black, legs reddish black, integument blue green and brown pruinose; eye margins, face, and lower part of occiput white pruinose. Front with black setae and sparse black scales, a few white scales laterally below; face with mixed black and white setae extending almost to antennae. Occiput with black setae and a few black scales; fringe of hairs on posterior margin black exteriorly, white interiorly. First antennal segment about as long as apical width; second segment globoid, flattened apically; base of third segment flattened mesolaterally, about as wide as second segment in lateral view, tapering sharply to styliform part which is slightly longer than base and about 1.5 times longer than style (Figure 104).

Discs of mesonotum and scutellum with linear black scales, some white scales laterally in front of base of wings and along posterior margin of scutellum. Sternopleuron with white setae and hairlike scales, lower part of mesopleuron and anterior part of pteropleuron with black setae and hairlike white scales. Prosternum, propleuron, dorsal part of mesopleuron, and anterior margin of mesonotum with white pile; some black hairs and numerous black setae on last two. Fore coxa with white bristles and white scales, some black bristles apically; middle and hind coxae with black bristles and black and white scales. Hypopleuron and metapleuron bare.

Wing (Plate 4a) light brown with hyaline areas at apex and extending inward from posterior margin; pigment filling cells C, Sc, and R1, extending beyond base of cell R4, in cells R2+3 and R5, filling base of cell R4, extending from cell R5 broadly across base of cell M1 and apex of cell 1M2 onto spurious vein in cell 2M2, but not quite reaching posterior margin; base of cell 1M2 out to base of cell 2M2 and extreme anterior margin pigmented; extreme base of cell 2M2 and basal fourth of cell Cu1 pigmented; extreme apex of cell M and large apical spot in cell 2A hyaline. Vein R4 angled basally, with a short spur; r–m crossvein at basal two-fifths of cell 1M2, vein R2+3, arising slightly basad; contact of cells 1M2 and Cu1 slightly shorter than width of base of cell Cu1 cell 1A punctiform apically; cell 2A not reduced, wider than cell 1A postmedially; alula reduced, posterior margin straight; a spurious vein extending from apical angle of m crossvein to posterior margin of wing. Stigmatic area lightly pigmented. Calypter lightly pigmented, fringe of hairs white. Halter light brown, apical margin of knob yellow, base dark brown.

Scales on fore and middle femora black anteriorly and mixed yellow and white posteriorly; hind femur with mixed yellow and white scales on basal half posteriorly; hind femur with mixed yellow and white scales on basal half posteriorly and extreme base anteriorly, remainder with black scales. Fore and middle tibiae with black scales anteriorly and white scales posteriorly; hind tibia with black scales. Middle femur with two or three macrochaetae anteroventrally toward apex; anteroventral row of macrochaetae on hind femur incomplete basally; anterodorsal surface of fore tibia with a few weak macrochaetae apically; hind tibia with a single row of macrochaetae anterodorsally.

Sides of first abdominal tergum with white pile, a large area of light-brown pile anteriorly; lateral margins of terga two through four with black pile, setae, and scales. Posterior margin of first tergum with sparse, black linear scales; discs of terga two through four and central half of five with linear black scales; lateral fourth of fifth tergum, and sixth and seventh with elongate, posteriorly produced, overlapping, lanceolate-truncate, white scales. Venter with fine white and yellow setae, and linear white and yellow scales, darkest posteriorly.

MALE GENITALIA (Figure 61).—Gonocoxites broad, dorsal margins tapering convexly to blunt ventral angles in lateral view; apices broadly rounded in ventral view, inner margins rounded to broad, shallow mesal sulcus; setae evenly distributed, extending almost to base mesally. Basal segment of gonostylus sinuate dorsally in lateral view, acutely angled posteriorly, with short, rounded lobes covered with fine setae apically in ventral view. Distal segment of gonostylus broad basally with a short mesal projection, tapering to laterally curved styliform part; apex with oval flattened area; basal part with fine setae. Apex of epiphallus flattened dorsoventrally, projecting upward at a low angle; medial part broadly rounded apically in dorsal view, with a short, rounded projection basally, with shallow longitudinal sulci between medial and lateral parts; lateral parts rounded apically and curved downward, extending basally to middle of medial part. Dorsal bands narrow, united mesally, without setae. Base of aedeagus broad, bulbous, tapering dorsally to junction with ventral bands below junction of dorsal bands; ventral bands narrow, at a right angle preapically.

VARIATION.—The paratype male, the only other specimen available, is similar to the holotype.

DISTRIBUTION.—This species is known only from the type-locality.

HOLOTYPE.—, Oak Creek Canyon, Cococino Co., Arizona, August, 6000 feet (F. H. Snow) (KANS).

PARATYPE.—, Oak Creek Canyon, Cococino Co., Arizona,—July, 6000 feet (F. H. Snow) (RHP).
bibliographic citation
Marston, Norman L. 1970. "Revision of New World species of Anthrax (Diptera: Bombyliidae), other than the Anthrax albofasciatus group." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-148. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.43