
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Herpetica alata (L.) Raf. Sylva Tell. 123. 1838
Cassia alata L. Sp. PI. 378. 1753.
A shrub, 4 m. high or less, the young foliage puberulent, the branches stout. Leaves 3-10 dm. long; stipules lanceolate, acuminate, 1-2 cm. long; petioles stout, 1.5-4 cm. long; rachis angular, puberulent, flat above; leaflets 6-12 pairs, chartaceous, broadly oblong, 5-17 cm. long, the upper pairs obovate and often much larger than the lower, all obtuse at both ends; racemes large, elongated; pedicels very short; bracts ovate-orbicular, obtuse, 1-1.5 cm. long, caducous; sepals about 1 cm. long; petals obovate, clawed, 2 cm. long or less; legume linear, straight or nearly so, many-septate, 10-15 cm. long, about 1.5 cm. wide, the valves chartaceous, nearly black, shining; seeds parallel with the dissepiments, 4-sided, compressed, brown, about 5 mm. long.
Type locality: South America.
Distribution: West Indies (except Bahamas); Guerrero and Yucatan to Panama. Colombia to French Guiana, Bolivia and Paraguay. Old World tropics.
библиографски навод
Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Physical Description ( англиски )

добавил USDA PLANTS text
Perennial, Shrubs, Woody throughout, Stems woody below, or from woody crown or caudex, Taproot present, Stems erect or ascending, Stems less than 1 m tall, Stems 1-2 m tall, Stems greater than 2 m tall, Stems solid, Stems or young twigs glabrous or sparsely glabrate, Stems or young twigs sparsely to dense ly hairy, Stem hairs hispid to villous, Leaves alternate, Leaves petiolate, Stipules inconspicuous, absent, or caducous, Stipules conspicuous, Stipules setiform, subulate or acicular, Stipules persistent, Stipules free, Leaves compound, Leaves even pinnate, Leaf or leaflet margins entire, Leaflets opposite, Leaflets 10-many, Leaves glabrous or nearly so, Inflorescences racemes, Inflorescences spikes or spike-like, Inflorescence axillary, Bracts conspicuously present, Bracts very small, absent or caducous, Flowers actinomorphic or somewhat irregular, Calyx 5-lobed, Calyx glabrous, Petals separate, Petals orange or yellow, Fertile stamens 6-8, Stamens heteromorphic, graded in size, Stamens completely free, separate, Filaments glabrous, Anthers opening by basal or terminal pores or slits, Style terete, Fruit a legume, Fruit stipitate, Fruit unilocular, Fruit freely dehiscent, Fruit elongate, straight, Fruit oblong or ellipsoidal, Fruits quadrangulate, Fruits winged, carinate, o r samaroid, Fruit exserted from calyx, Fruit internally septate between the seeds, Fruit compressed between seeds, Fruit glabrous or glabrate, Fruit 11-many seeded, Seed with elliptical line or depression, pleurogram, Seeds ovoid to rounded in outline, Seed surface smooth, Seeds olive, brown, or black.
Dr. David Bogler
Missouri Botanical Garden
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Senna alata ( англиски )

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Senna alata is an important medicinal tree, as well as an ornamental flowering plant in the subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It also known as emperor's candlesticks,[1] candle bush,[2] candelabra bush, Christmas candles,[3] empress candle plant, ringworm shrub,[3] or candletree. A remarkable species of Senna, it was sometimes separated in its own genus, Herpetica.

Geographic range

Senna alata is native to most of the Neotropics (from Mexico and the West Indies to Paraguay),[4][5][6] and can be found in diverse habitats. In the tropics, it grows up to an altitude of 1,200 metres (3,900 ft). It is an invasive species in Austronesia distributed in ranges from India to America. These plants have a greater ornamental and medicinal value in the southeast Asia, North Australia and African ranges.


The shrub stands 3–4 metres (9.8–13.1 ft) tall, with leaves 50–80 centimetres (20–31 in) long.

The leaves close in the dark.

The inflorescence looks like a yellow candle.

The fruit, shaped like a straight pod, is up to 25 cm long. Its seeds are distributed by water or animals.

The seed pods are nearly straight, dark brown or nearly black, about 15 centimetres (5.9 in) long, and 15 millimetres (0.59 in) wide. On both sides of the pods is a wing that runs the length of the pod. Pods contain 50 to 60 flattened, triangular seeds.


This species is easy to grow from the seed. They may either be sown directly or started in a nursery.

Medicinal uses

Senna alata (also known as Cassia alata) is often called the ringworm bush because of its very effective fungicidal properties, for treating ringworm and other fungal infections of the skin. The leaves are ground in a mortar to obtain a kind of "green cotton wool". This is mixed with the same amount of vegetable oil and rubbed on the affected area two or three times a day. A fresh preparation is made every day.[7] Its active ingredients include the yellow chrysophanic acid.

Its laxative effect, due to its anthraquinone content, is also well proven.

Senna alata is locally known as akapulko in the Philippines where it is used as both an ornamental and medicinal plant due to its laxative, purgative and anti-fungal properties.[8]

In Sri Lanka, known as Ath-thora (ඇත්තෝර), it is used as an ingredient in Sinhala traditional medicine.

In Malaysia, it is known as Gelenggang.



  1. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Senna allata". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 1 May 2018.
  2. ^ "Plant species and sites" (PDF). Government of Australia. Retrieved 1 May 2018. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  3. ^ a b Weeds of Australia, Queensland Government, 2014-10-20, retrieved 1 May 2018
  4. ^ Standley, Paul; Steyermark, Julian (1946). "Flora of Guatemala". Fieldiana. v.24:pt.5 (1946): 109.
  5. ^ Standley, Paul (1937). "Flora of Costa Rica". Fieldiana. v.18:pt.2 (1937): 514.
  6. ^ Nicolson, Dan; et al. (1991). "Flora of Dominica vol. 2". Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. no.77 (1991): 112. ISSN 0081-024X.
  7. ^ HIRT, Dr Hans Martin, & Bindanda M'Pia (2008) Natural Medicine in the Tropics I: Foundation text. anamed, Winnenden, Germany
  8. ^ "Akapulko / Cassia alata Linn. / RINGWORM BUSH / Yi bing jue ming / Herbal Therapy / Philippine Medicinal Herbs / Alternative Medicine in the Philippines". www.stuartxchange.org. Retrieved 1 May 2018.
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wikipedia EN

Senna alata: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Senna alata is an important medicinal tree, as well as an ornamental flowering plant in the subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It also known as emperor's candlesticks, candle bush, candelabra bush, Christmas candles, empress candle plant, ringworm shrub, or candletree. A remarkable species of Senna, it was sometimes separated in its own genus, Herpetica.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN