
Associations ( англиски )

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Tylomyines are, for the most part, primary consumers, and they are food for secondary consumers such as snakes and owls. In addition, tylomyines are parasitized by laelapid and trombiculid mites, argasid ticks, ceratophyllid fleas, and female sandflies. Tylomyines are susceptible to infestations of Trypanosoma cruzi.

Sympatric tylomyine species are potential competitors with each other, but they may avoid competition by foraging at different levels in the forest.

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • laelapid mites Laelapidae
  • trombiculid mites Trombiculidae
  • argasid ticks Argasidae
  • ceratophyllid fleas Ceratophyllidae
  • female sandflies Lutzomyia
  • Trypanosoma cruzi
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Conservation Status ( англиски )

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There are currently four tylomyine species on the IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species. Two of those species are critically endangered (Chiapan climbing rats, Tylomys bullaris, and Tumbala climbing rats, Tylomys tumbalensis), one is vulnerable (Panamanian climbing rats, Tylomys panamensis), and one is lower risk (fulvous-bellied climbing rats, Tylomys fulviventer).

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Behavior ( англиски )

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Tylomyines have large eyes and probably have good vision. They can be seen twitching their ears and vibrissae back and forth when investigating new objects. They make a variety of trills, squeaks, chirps, and grunts to communicate with one another during courtship, copulation, aggressive encounters, and while raising young. Young tylomyines are often very vocal, and they chirp when their nest is disturbed or when playing with littermates.

Communication Channels: acoustic

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Tylomyinae, vesper rats and climbing rats, is an arboreal New World cricetid subfamily with ten species in four genera: Nyctomys, Otonyctomys, Ototylomys, and Tylomys). The four genera are divided between two tribes.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Benefits ( англиски )

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Tylomyines are resevoirs for cutaneous leishmaniasis (Leishmania mexicana). Also, they sometimes enter buildings and make their nests in unwelcome places.

Negative Impacts: injures humans (carries human disease); household pest

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Benefits ( англиски )

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There are no known positive effects of tylomyines on humans.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Trophic Strategy ( англиски )

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These rodents are primarily herbivorous; they consume seeds, fruits, and leaves. Occasionally they eat moths.

Primary Diet: carnivore (Insectivore ); herbivore (Folivore , Frugivore , Granivore ); omnivore

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Distribution ( англиски )

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Tylomyines are distributed throughout Central America, from southern Mexico to Panama.

Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Habitat ( англиски )

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Tylomyines live in tropical evergreen and semideciduous forests, especially those in rocky areas, at elevations from sea level to 2,000 meters.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Life Expectancy ( англиски )

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Captive tylomyines have been recorded living up to five years and five months. Lifespan in the wild is probably much shorter.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( англиски )

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Tylomyines are medium to large-sized muroid rodents, ranging from 95 to 255 mm in length, with tails measuring 85 to 250 mm. Their tails are usually a bit longer than their bodies. They weigh 29 to 280 grams and, in some species, males are slightly heavier than females. Other species exhibit no detectable sexual dimorphism. The fur is either short or long, and is cinnamon, buff, tawny, gray, russet, or brown above and white below. The tail is either covered with long hairs and tufted at the tip, or it is nearly naked. The ears are nearly naked, and can be either short or long. There are long black whiskers, and some species have a dark ring around each eye. The eyes are quite large and the hind feet are modified for climbing. Tylomyines have two pairs of mammae in the inguinal region.

Tylomyines have brachydont, cuspidate molars, with the major cusps lying opposite one another. The cheek teeth bear well-developed mesolophs and mesolophids. The second upper molar has four roots, and the third lower molar is relatively large and has a crown pattern like that of the second lower molar.

Tylomyines have a cuneate interorbital region, with prominant supraorbital shelves that continue posteriorly as pronounced temporal ridges. The interparietal bone is large and contacts the squamosal, to which the tegmen tympani are united. The zygomatic plates are narrow and there is usually no dorsal notch. There is an alisphenoid strut, but no subsquamosal fenestra, and the postglenoid foramen is quite small. The mesopterygoid fossa is usually completely ossified, and the parapterygoid fossa is shallow and slender. If there are sphenopalatine vacuities, they are present as tiny slits.

The first rib of tylomyines attaches to only the first thoracic vertebra. There is an entepicondylar foramen in the humerus. The calcaneum has a wide, proximally-positioned trochlear process.

The tylomyine stomach is single-chambered, and there is no gall bladder. The caecum is long and complex. The glans penis is wide and short (though it is longer than the baculum), and it has large, well-spaced spines.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike; male larger

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( англиски )

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Tylomyines are preyed upon by owls and snakes. They bite viciously, especially if disturbed with young.

Known Predators:

  • owls Strigiformes
  • snakes Serpentes
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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( англиски )

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The mating system of tylomyines has not been studied in the wild. Captive Nyctomys sumichrasti form monogamous pairs and share some of the responsibilities of rearing young. Individuals of this species emit regular, high-pitched chirps to locate mates, and males have been seen courting females by chirping at them for a few minutes before copulation.

Mating System: monogamous

Tylomyines reproduce year round. Females are polyestrus, producing several litters per year, and experience a postpartum estrus. In some species, implantation may be delayed if a female becomes pregnant while nursing a litter. Gestation periods, if implantation is not delayed, last 30 to 69 days. Litter sizes average two to three, with a range of one to four. Young are relatively precocial. They are born partially furred and with partially erupted incisors. Their ears open in one or two days and their eyes open at 6 to 18 days. The young cling to their mothers' nipples until they are three or four weeks old and leave the nest shortly afterwards. Tylomyines reach sexual maturity at one to three months of age, with females maturing more rapidly than males.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); viviparous ; delayed implantation ; post-partum estrous

Female tylomyines construct nests where they rear their relatively precocial offspring. Young cling to their mothers' nipples for the first few weeks of life but may be left behind in their nests when their mothers go out to forage. If their nests are disturbed, mothers drag their offspring with them to safer locations. Females also rush at attackers and try to bite. Nyctomys sumichrasti males help build nests and remain near their mates and offspring for about a week after parturition.

Parental Investment: precocial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Poor, A. 2005. "Tylomyinae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tylomyinae.html
Allison Poor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Tilomins ( каталонски; валенсиски )

добавил wikipedia CA

Els tilomins (Tylomyinae) constitueixen una subfamília de ratolins i rates del Nou Món. No es coneixen tan bé com els seus parents de les subfamílies dels sigmodontins i neotomins. Tanmateix, moltes autoritats consideren totes tres subfamílies com una de sola, els sigmodontins.

Llista d'espècies


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Tilomins Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  • Musser, G. G.; M. D. Carleton. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea. Pp. 894-1531 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. D. E. Wilson i D. M. Reeder eds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
  • Steppan, S. J., R. A. Adkins; J. Anderson. 2004. «Phylogeny and divergence date estimates of rapid radiations in muroid rodents based on multiple nuclear genes». Systematic Biology, 53:533-553.
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Tilomins: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

добавил wikipedia CA

Els tilomins (Tylomyinae) constitueixen una subfamília de ratolins i rates del Nou Món. No es coneixen tan bé com els seus parents de les subfamílies dels sigmodontins i neotomins. Tanmateix, moltes autoritats consideren totes tres subfamílies com una de sola, els sigmodontins.

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Tylomyinae ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Die Tylomyinae sind eine Unterfamilie der Nagetierfamilie der Wühler (Cricetidae). Sie sind mit 10 Arten die artenärmste der drei Gruppen, in die die Neuweltmäuse unterteilt werden.


Es sind mittelgroße bis große Neuweltmäuse, die eine Kopfrumpflänge von 10 bis 26 Zentimetern erreichen. Der Schwanz ist in der Regel etwas länger als der Körper. Das Fell ist an der Oberseite bräunlich, grau oder schwarz gefärbt, die Unterseite ist heller. Die Ohren sind oft groß und unbehaart. Die Hinterfüße sind an eine baumbewohnende Lebensweise angepasst.

Verbreitung und Lebensweise

Tylomyinae kommen fast ausschließlich in Mittelamerika vor, wo sie vom südlichen Mexiko bis Panama verbreitet sind. Einzig die Kletterratte Tylomys mirae ist im nordwestlichen Südamerika (Kolumbien und Ecuador) heimisch. Lebensraum dieser Tiere sind Wälder, oft auf felsigem Untergrund. Sie kommen bis in 2000 Meter Höhe vor.

Die Vertreter der Tylomyinae sind fast ausschließlich Baumbewohner. Sie sind meist nachtaktiv und ziehen sich tagsüber in selbsterrichtete Nester aus Gräsern und Zweigen zurück. Sie leben meist einzelgängerisch oder in kleinen Familiengruppen und reagieren oft aggressiv auf Artgenossen. Sie sind vorwiegend Pflanzenfresser, die Samen, Früchte und Blätter zu sich nehmen.


Folgende vier Gattungen in zwei Tribus werden zu den Tylomyinae gerechnet:

Diese Gruppe kann morphologisch definiert werden, dennoch ist unsicher, ob sie tatsächlich monophyletisch ist. Während die enge Verwandtschaft innerhalb der beiden Tribus unumstritten ist, sind die genauen Abstammungsverhältnisse und systematischen Beziehungen zu den anderen Neuweltmäusen ungeklärt.


  • Don E. Wilson, DeeAnn M. Reeder (Hrsg.): Mammal Species of the World. A taxonomic and geographic Reference. 2 Bände. 3. Auflage. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.


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Tylomyinae: Brief Summary ( германски )

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Die Tylomyinae sind eine Unterfamilie der Nagetierfamilie der Wühler (Cricetidae). Sie sind mit 10 Arten die artenärmste der drei Gruppen, in die die Neuweltmäuse unterteilt werden.

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Klimrotten fan de Nije Wrâld ( западнофризиски )

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De klimrotten fan de Nije Wrâld (wittenskiplike namme: Tylomyinae) foarmje in ûnderfamylje fan 'e klasse fan 'e sûchdieren (Mammalia), it skift fan 'e kjifdieren (Rodentia) en de famylje fan 'e wrotmûseftigen (Cricetidae), dy't mei twa oare ûnderfamyljes de ynformele groep fan 'e mûzen en rotten fan de Nije Wrâld opmakket. Foarhinne waarden de klimrotten fan de Nije Wrâld wol ûnderbrocht by de mûzen en rotten fan de Nije Wrâld (Sigmodontinae), mar tsjintwurdich is de selsstannigens fan dizze ûnderfamylje algemien akseptearre. De klimrotten fan de Nije Wrâld foarmje de lytste ûnderfamylje fan 'e wrotmûseftigen, mei mar 10 soarten, ferdield oer 4 skaaien.


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Klimrotten fan de Nije Wrâld: Brief Summary ( западнофризиски )

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De klimrotten fan de Nije Wrâld (wittenskiplike namme: Tylomyinae) foarmje in ûnderfamylje fan 'e klasse fan 'e sûchdieren (Mammalia), it skift fan 'e kjifdieren (Rodentia) en de famylje fan 'e wrotmûseftigen (Cricetidae), dy't mei twa oare ûnderfamyljes de ynformele groep fan 'e mûzen en rotten fan de Nije Wrâld opmakket. Foarhinne waarden de klimrotten fan de Nije Wrâld wol ûnderbrocht by de mûzen en rotten fan de Nije Wrâld (Sigmodontinae), mar tsjintwurdich is de selsstannigens fan dizze ûnderfamylje algemien akseptearre. De klimrotten fan de Nije Wrâld foarmje de lytste ûnderfamylje fan 'e wrotmûseftigen, mei mar 10 soarten, ferdield oer 4 skaaien.

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Tylomyinae ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

The subfamily Tylomyinae consists of several species of New World rats and mice including the vesper and climbing rats. They are not as well known as their relatives in the subfamilies Sigmodontinae and Neotominae. Many authorities place all three of these subfamilies in a single subfamily, Sigmodontinae.

List of Species

See also


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Tylomyinae: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

The subfamily Tylomyinae consists of several species of New World rats and mice including the vesper and climbing rats. They are not as well known as their relatives in the subfamilies Sigmodontinae and Neotominae. Many authorities place all three of these subfamilies in a single subfamily, Sigmodontinae.

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Tylomyinae ( француски )

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Tylomyinae: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Les Tylomyinae sont une sous-famille de rongeurs de la famille des Cricetidae

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Tylomyinae ( италијански )

добавил wikipedia IT

I Tilomiini (Reig, 1984) sono una sottofamiglia di roditori della famiglia dei Cricetidi.



La famiglia comprende roditori di medie o grandi dimensioni, con una lunghezza della testa e del corpo tra 95 e 255 mm, la lunghezza della coda tra 85 e 250 mm e un peso fino a 280 g.

Caratteristiche ossee e dentarie

La zona inter-orbitale è cuneiforme, le creste sopra-orbitali sono ben sviluppate e, negli adulti, si estendono posteriormente fino a formare creste temporali ben definite. Le placche zigomatiche sono relativamente strette. I molari sono brachiodonti, ovvero con una corona bassa, muniti di robuste cuspidi disposte in maniera simmetrica, il secondo molare superiore ha quattro radici, mentre il terzo è relativamente grande e possiede una disposizione delle cuspidi simile agli altri denti masticatori. La prima costola è articolata soltanto alla prima vertebra toracica.


L'aspetto è quello di un ratto di medie o grosse dimensioni. La pelliccia è talvolta lunga, le parti dorsali variano dal giallo-brunastro al fulvo, mentre quelle ventrali sono più chiare, spesso bianche. Il muso è appuntito e provvisto di lunghe vibrisse e occhi grandi. Le orecchie sono prive di peli e possono essere molto grandi in alcune specie. I piedi sono corti e larghi con il quinto dito lungo come i tre più vicini, adattamento questo ad una vita arboricola, i cuscinetti plantari sono grandi e gli artigli sono nascosti da ciuffi di peli. La coda è leggermente più lunga della testa e del corpo. Le femmine hanno due paia di mammelle inguinali. In alcune forme i maschi sono leggermente più robusti delle femmine. Lo stomaco ha un comparto unico, l'intestino cieco è lungo e complesso, mentre sono privi di cistifellea. Il pene è largo e corto, tuttavia sempre più lungo dell'osso penico.


Si tratta di roditori prevalentemente arboricoli diffusi in America centrale e meridionale.


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Tylomyinae: Brief Summary ( италијански )

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I Tilomiini (Reig, 1984) sono una sottofamiglia di roditori della famiglia dei Cricetidi.

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Tylomyinae ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

De Tylomyinae zijn een onderfamilie van de familie Cricetidae, die behalve de Tylomyinae onder andere de woelmuizen en hamsters omvat. Deze onderfamilie leeft voornamelijk in Midden-Amerika. Ze werd vroeger als deel van de Sigmodontinae gezien. De onderfamilie omvat tien soorten in vier geslachten en twee tribus.

De onderfamilie omvat middelgrote, in bomen levende knaagdieren. De staart is iets langer dan de kop-romplengte. Alle soorten hebben 0+2=4 mammae. Zoals veel in bomen levende knaagdieren hebben ze korte, brede achtervoeten.

Deze dieren werden eerst in de Oryzomyini geplaatst, maar latere onderzoeken plaatsten ze als een oude groep binnen de Neotominae. Nog later werd het duidelijk dat ze een aparte groep zijn, niet nauw verwant aan de Sigmodontinae zelf of de Neotominae. Musser & Carleton (2005) vatten de taxonomische geschiedenis van deze vormen samen, gaven een morfologische definitie van de onderfamilie en wezen erop dat het nog allerminst duidelijk is of de twee groepen binnen de onderfamilie (Nyctomys-Otonyctomys en Ototylomys-Tylomys) wel nauw verwant zijn.


  • Musser, G.G. & Carleton, M.D. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea. In Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D.M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World. A taxonomic and geographic reference.
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Tylomyinae: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

De Tylomyinae zijn een onderfamilie van de familie Cricetidae, die behalve de Tylomyinae onder andere de woelmuizen en hamsters omvat. Deze onderfamilie leeft voornamelijk in Midden-Amerika. Ze werd vroeger als deel van de Sigmodontinae gezien. De onderfamilie omvat tien soorten in vier geslachten en twee tribus.

De onderfamilie omvat middelgrote, in bomen levende knaagdieren. De staart is iets langer dan de kop-romplengte. Alle soorten hebben 0+2=4 mammae. Zoals veel in bomen levende knaagdieren hebben ze korte, brede achtervoeten.

Deze dieren werden eerst in de Oryzomyini geplaatst, maar latere onderzoeken plaatsten ze als een oude groep binnen de Neotominae. Nog later werd het duidelijk dat ze een aparte groep zijn, niet nauw verwant aan de Sigmodontinae zelf of de Neotominae. vatten de taxonomische geschiedenis van deze vormen samen, gaven een morfologische definitie van de onderfamilie en wezen erop dat het nog allerminst duidelijk is of de twee groepen binnen de onderfamilie (Nyctomys-Otonyctomys en Ototylomys-Tylomys) wel nauw verwant zijn.

Tribus Nyctomyini Musser & Carleton, 2005 Geslacht Nyctomys Nyctomys sumichrasti (Midden-Amerikaanse vesperrat) Geslacht Otonyctomys Otonyctomys hatti (yucatanvesperrat) Tribus Tylomyini Reig, 1984 Geslacht Ototylomys Ototylomys phyllotis (grootoorboomrat) Geslacht Tylomys Tylomys bullaris (chiapaklimrat) Tylomys fulviventer Tylomys mirae Tylomys nudicaudus Tylomys panamensis Tylomys tumbalensis (tumbalaklimrat) Tylomys watsoni
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Gałęziaki ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL

Gałęziaki[2] (Tylomyinae) – podrodzina gryzoni z rodziny chomikowatych. Gałęziaki są zwierzętami o średniej wielkości, z ogonem o długości nieznacznie większej od długości tułowia wraz z głową. Prowadzą nadrzewny tryb życia[1][3].


Do gałęziaków zaliczamy obecnie 4 rodzaje[1][2]:


  1. a b c d e Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Tylomyinae. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 7 października 2012]
  2. a b Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2015, s. 297. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  3. Cristina MacSwiney, Silvia Hernandez-Betancourt. Otonyctomys hatti (Rodentia: Cricetidae). „Mammalian Species”. 825, s. 1–5, 2009. American Society of Mammalogists. DOI: 10.1644/825.1 (ang.).
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Gałęziaki: Brief Summary ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL

Gałęziaki (Tylomyinae) – podrodzina gryzoni z rodziny chomikowatych. Gałęziaki są zwierzętami o średniej wielkości, z ogonem o długości nieznacznie większej od długości tułowia wraz z głową. Prowadzą nadrzewny tryb życia.

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Tylomyinae ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Tylomyinae é uma subfamília de roedores sul-americanos pouco conhecida.



  • MUSSER, G. G., CARLETON, M. D. (2005). Superfamily Muroidea in Wilson, D. E., Reeder, D. M. (eds). Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3ª edição. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. vol. 2, pp. 894–1531.
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Tylomyinae: Brief Summary ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Tylomyinae é uma subfamília de roedores sul-americanos pouco conhecida.

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Tylomyinae ( шведски )

добавил wikipedia SV

Tylomyinae är en underfamilj i familjen Cricetidae som tillhör ordningen gnagare. Antalet arter är med 10 ganska litet jämförd med andra underfamiljer i nya världen.


Medlemmarna är medelstora till stora och når en kroppslängd mellan 10 och 26 centimeter. Därtill kommer svansen som vanligen är något längre än övriga kroppen. Pälsen är på ovansidan brunaktig, grå eller svart och undersidan är ljusare. Öronen är ofta stora och saknar hår. Med sina bakre extremiteter är de anpassade till livet i träd.

Utbredning och levnadssätt

Arterna förekommer nästan uteslutande i Centralamerika från Mexiko till Panama. Bara arten Tylomys mirae som tillhör släktet centralamerikanska klätterråttor lever i nordvästra Sydamerika (Colombia och Ecuador). Habitatet utgörs av skogar i bergsregioner upp till 2 000 meter över havet.

Individerna vistas så gott som alltid i träd. De är vanligen aktiva på natten och vilar på dagen i självbyggda bon av gräs och kvistar. De lever antingen ensamma eller i familjegrupper och är för det mesta aggressiva mot främmande artfränder. Födan utgörs främst av frön, frukter och blad.


Underfamiljen delas i fyra släkten fördelade på två tribus.

Varje tribus utgör en monofyletisk grupp men det är ovisst om hela underfamiljen hade samma anfader.


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia, 9 juli 2009.

Externa länkar

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Tylomyinae: Brief Summary ( шведски )

добавил wikipedia SV

Tylomyinae är en underfamilj i familjen Cricetidae som tillhör ordningen gnagare. Antalet arter är med 10 ganska litet jämförd med andra underfamiljer i nya världen.

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Tylomyinae ( украински )

добавил wikipedia UK

Tylomyinae — підродина мишоподібних гризунів родини Хом'якові (Cricetidae). Підродина містить 10 видів, що поширені у Центральній Америці, один вид зустрічається у Колумбії та Еквадорі.



  • Musser, G. G. and M. D. Carleton. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea. Pp. 894-1531 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder eds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

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Tylomyinae: Brief Summary ( украински )

добавил wikipedia UK

Tylomyinae — підродина мишоподібних гризунів родини Хом'якові (Cricetidae). Підродина містить 10 видів, що поширені у Центральній Америці, один вид зустрічається у Колумбії та Еквадорі.

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Tylomyinae ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Tylomyinae là một phân họ động vật gặm nhấm trong họ Cricetidae gồm nhiều loài chuột Tân Thế giới kể cả những con chuột leo núi, phân họ này không được biết đến là có quan hệ với phân họ SigmodontinaeNeotominae, nhưng nhiều ý kiến cho rằng nên nhập cả 03 phân họ này thành một phân họ duy nhất là Sigmodontinae.

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Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến họ gặm nhấm Cricetidae này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Tylomyinae: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Tylomyinae là một phân họ động vật gặm nhấm trong họ Cricetidae gồm nhiều loài chuột Tân Thế giới kể cả những con chuột leo núi, phân họ này không được biết đến là có quan hệ với phân họ SigmodontinaeNeotominae, nhưng nhiều ý kiến cho rằng nên nhập cả 03 phân họ này thành một phân họ duy nhất là Sigmodontinae.

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Лазающие хомяки ( руски )

добавил wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Euarchontoglires
Грандотряд: Грызунообразные
Отряд: Грызуны
Подотряд: Мышеобразные
Семейство: Хомяковые
Подсемейство: Лазающие хомяки
Международное научное название

Tylomyinae (Reig, 1984)

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 970154NCBI 337711EOL 7164093FW 104906

Лазающие, или крысоподобные хомяки (Tylomyinae) — подсемейство центральноамериканских грызунов семейства хомяковых.

Общее описание

К подсемейству относятся довольно крупные мышеобразные грызуны: длина тела от 9,5 до 25,5 см, хвост обычно чуть длиннее тела; весят от 29 до 280 г. Хвост может быть покрыт редкими волосками или хорошо опушён, с кисточкой на конце. Задние лапы цепкие, приспособленные для лазанья. Уши почти голые. Вибриссы чёрные; у некоторых видов тёмные кольца вокруг глаз. Шерсть на спине окрашена в разнообразные оттенки коричневого, рыжего и серого цвета, на животе белая.

Образ жизни

Лазающие хомяки водятся в Центральной Америке, от южной Мексики до Панамы. Населяют тропические вечнозелёные и полулистопадные леса, поднимаясь в горы до 2 000 м над уровнем моря. Образ жизни ночной, одиночный, почти исключительно древесный. Питаются в основном растительными кормами (семена, плоды, листья); изредка поедают чешуекрылых.

Самки приносят несколько помётов в год, численностью от 1 до 4 детёнышей. Беременность длится 30-69 дней и может удлиняться за счёт латентной стадии в развитии эмбриона. У одного вида, Nyctomys sumichrasti, самец в течение первой недели помогает самке заботиться о потомстве. Молодые особи становятся половозрелыми на 1-3 месяце жизни. Продолжительность жизни в неволе составляет 5 лет и 5 месяцев; в природе она короче.


Длительное время лазающих хомяков относили к подсемейству Cricetinae, либо вместе с другими американскими видами хомяков выделяли в подсемейство Sigmodontinae (1993 г.) Результаты недавних молекулярных исследований показали, что они составляют отдельное подсемейство.

Природоохранный статус

Лазающие хомяки — малоизученные животные. Они служат естественным резервуаром паразита Leishmania mexicana — возбудителя кожного лейшманиоза.

В Международную Красную книгу как вымирающие занесены 3 вида:


  1. Русские названия по книге Полная иллюстрированная энциклопедия. «Млекопитающие» Кн. 2 = The New Encyclopedia of Mammals / под ред. Д. Макдональда. — М.: Омега, 2007. — С. 448. — 3000 экз.ISBN 978-5-465-01346-8.
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Лазающие хомяки: Brief Summary ( руски )

добавил wikipedia русскую Википедию

Лазающие, или крысоподобные хомяки (Tylomyinae) — подсемейство центральноамериканских грызунов семейства хомяковых.

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美洲攀缘鼠亚科 ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科


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美洲攀缘鼠亚科: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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틸로미스아과 ( корејски )

добавил wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

틸로미스아과(Tylomyinae)는 쥐상과 비단털쥐과에 속하는 설치류 아과의 하나이다. 신대륙에 사는 저녁쥐와 클라이밍쥐류로 이루어져 있다. 일부 학자들은 목화쥐아과에 포함시켜 분류하기도 한다.[2]

하위 분류

계통 분류

다음은 2004년 얀사(Jansa)와 웩슬러(Weksler), 2012년 파브르(Fabre) 등의 연구에 기초한 계통 분류이다.[3][4]























  1. Musser, G.G.; Carleton, M.D. (2005). 〈Superfamily Muroidea〉 [쥐상과]. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 894–1531쪽. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Steppan, S. J., R. A. Adkins, and J. Anderson. 2004. Phylogeny and divergence date estimates of rapid radiations in muroid rodents based on multiple nuclear genes. Systematic Biology, 53:533-553.
  3. Jansa, S.A.; Weksler, M. (2004). “Phylogeny of muroid rodents: relationships within and among major lineages as determined by IRBP gene sequences”. 《Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution》 31 (1): 256–276. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2003.07.002. PMID 15019624.
  4. Fabre; 외. (2012). “A glimpse on the pattern of rodent diversification: a phylogenetic approach. 《BMC Evolutionary Biology》 12: 88. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-88. PMC 3532383. PMID 22697210. 2015년 12월 30일에 확인함.
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