
Norwegische Wespe ( германски )

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Die Norwegische Wespe (Dolichovespula norwegica) ist eine Art der Echten Wespen (Sozialen Faltenwespen) in der Ordnung der Hautflügler.


Sie ist in ganz Mitteleuropa zu finden, ist aber in bergigen Regionen häufiger. Aus dem nordwestdeutschen Flachland gibt es kaum Fundmeldungen. Typische Lebensräume sind Berg- und Gebirgswälder, wahrscheinlich ist die Art feuchtigkeitsliebend. Sie lebt oft in Holzstapeln, dichtem Gebüsch, oder an Waldrändern mit dichten Hochstauden; selten in Menschennähe.


Die Norwegische Wespe hat eine für Faltenwespen typische, schwarz-gelbe Warnfärbung. Die ersten beiden Hinterleibssegmente sind – ähnlich wie bei der Hornisse – rötlich gefärbt. Die Königin wird 15–19 mm, die Arbeiterinnen 12–15 mm und die Drohnen 14–16 mm lang. Die Zeichnung am Kopfschild erinnert an eine Speerspitze.


Arbeiterinnen ernähren sich hauptsächlich vom kohlenhydrathaltigen Nektar der Doldenblütler und dem Honigtau der Blattläuse. Zur Aufzucht der Brut werden tierische Proteine benötigt, was über erbeutete Insekten geschieht, insbesondere verschiedene Fliegenarten, Stechmücken eingeschlossen.


Das Nest ist graugelb, maximale Größe ist die eines Fußballes. Es wird aus gesundem oder leicht verwittertem Holz in Bodennähe zwischen Gras und Wurzeln oder freihängend im Gebüsch gebaut. Es hat keine Lufttaschen und die Wabenränder sind aufwärts gebogen. Im Durchschnitt besiedeln etwa 200–300 Tiere das Nest.


Man findet nestsuchende Königinnen ab Mitte / Ende April. Erste Arbeiterinnen erscheinen ab etwa Ende Mai. Der Lebenszyklus ist kurz und endet etwa Anfang / Mitte September.



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Norwegische Wespe: Brief Summary ( германски )

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Die Norwegische Wespe (Dolichovespula norwegica) ist eine Art der Echten Wespen (Sozialen Faltenwespen) in der Ordnung der Hautflügler.

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Dolichovespula norwegica ( англиски )

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The Norwegian wasp (Dolichovespula norwegica) is a species of eusocial wasp. It is common in Scandinavia and can also be found in Scotland and other areas in Britain and Ireland. Often known for being a tree wasp, it nests in low branches and bushes and feeds on insects. It also obtains nectar from blueberry and snowberry flowers.[1] Although D. norwegica is rarely considered a pest in the past, a few cases of pest problems relating to them have been reported.[2] The species is not endangered.[3]

Taxonomy and phylogeny

D. norwegica is placed in the family Vespidae and the genus Dolichovespula. Based on recent studies on mitochondrial genes, Dolichovespula and Vespula are monophyletic, meaning they descended from common ancestors. Two species groups, maculata and norwegica form the Dolichovespula clade. While the maculata has physical attributes such as pronotal striae, emarginated apices of the seventh metasomal sternum in males, and aedeagal medial lobes, D. norwegica females have long oculomalar space and lateroanterior clypeal angles with less prominent semicircular projections.[4]

In the past, D. norwegica and D. albida, the Arctic yellowjacket from northern North America, were considered to be the same species, but studies in 2011 of the male genitalia show that they are not conspecific. Often, male genitalia are used to characterise the Nearctic and Palearctic forms of D. norwegica.[5]

Description and identification

The Norwegian wasp has eye-catching black and yellow colour patterns over its body. Starting from the face, it has a long malar space and is separated by a black bar that runs vertically. The sides of its thorax contain small black hairs that project outwards, and the rear has distinct yellow spots. One can often see red colouring on the front of the abdomen.[6] Dolichovespula is derived from the Greek word, dolichos, which means long. Its genus name matches with physical characteristics.[7] The typical length of an individual of this species is 11– 18 mm long.[1] Compared to D. maculata, whose adults range from 2–3 cm, queens are generally around 1.7 cm and workers are smaller, around 1.3 cm [8]


D. norwegica nests have a loose, coarse-woven texture, which suggests that the species is terrestrial. One such nest was found, spherical in size, about 10.5 cm long, 10.5 cm at its widest point, and 15 cm off the ground. This nest was fastened from the top of a willow branch and was further stabilised by a side branch attachment. The nest consisted of 11 envelope layers with a few extra layers on the edge of the top comb. The texture of each layer was rough with some holes from weaving.

Some fibres were fine and grey, while some were coarse and straw-coloured. Occasionally, black- and rust-coloured fibers are seen, as well. The most common source of nest fibres is weathered wood. On the outer layer of the nest, leaves of broadleaf plants were also observed.

The observed nest had three combs and 357 cells. From close observations, the worker cells in comb one were an average of 5.17 mm, while the reproductive cells in combs two and three had an average of 6.33 mm. Nests of D. norwegica in Europe were reported to have a maximum of 1,400 cells.[9]

Overall, nests of D. norwegica wasps are commonly found on tree branches, bushes, walls of houses, and even cavities in the ground. This wasp species apparently prefers to build nests in rural areas.[8]

Distribution and habitat

Norwegian wasps typically construct their nests on tree branches or bushes, often selecting areas that are closed rather than exposed, such as moors. Despite its common name, D. norwegica is also found throughout England, Ireland, and commonly in Scotland.[1]

Since nests are of a coarse, woven texture with a few holes, they are detracted from thermoregulation. Furthermore, nests are also less durable, so must be built in protected areas.[9]

Colony cycle

D. norwegica queens and males leave their home colonies around late summer, when the queens are fertilised and pass the winter by finding an overwintering site. Before spring arrives, D. norwegica males die. Upon arrival of spring (around mid-April or early May), the queens emerge and feed, with the goal of finding a new nest location.

First, the queen starts building her nest, and rears workers in the first cells (average diameter of 4.5 mm). The workers then replace the queen in the nest and assume brood-rearing activities. Later cells, where queens and males are reared, on average are 5.5 mm in diameter. By June, nests have about 50 workers, and by the end of July, about 300 workers. After this period, however, the number of workers declines rapidly. The largest number of workers in a colony ever reported was 363, while other colonies had around 150 workers. A typical colony produced 1471 wasps (measure from 14 colonies with large cells), and of that total, 43% were queens and 57% were drones.

The colony cycle of D. norwegica is short; this species has a tendency to start in the spring. Their strategy is known as summer-advantage strategy, which is distinctive of the Dolichovespula genus. Such a strategy is implemented and used to take advantage of the short, yet favorable conditions of the summer. Most colonies die out after mid-August and a few last until early September. The typical number of days a colony exists is 95–115.[10]



D. norwegica, as is common among social wasps, mating commonly occurs during the warm season. Males tend to occupy a dense area on trees and shrubs, and perform nuptial flights. They swarm in groups. D. norwegica males and a few workers have been found with on a rocky summit in Scotland in groups.[7]

Kin selection

As in related wasps, the queen mating frequency and sperm use both influence paternity, which is important for influencing colony kin structure and reproductive tendencies of the colony. In D. norwegica colonies, male paternity is low compared to Vespula. This leads to worker-queen conflict over male production. Of five species of the genus Dolichovespula studied, D. norwegica has the second-lowest value for effective paternity (1.08). Worker-worker relatedness is high among D. norwegica with a value of 0.71.[11]

Genetic relatedness within colonies

Since the effective mating frequency of D. norwegica queens is low, worker-worker relatedness is higher than worker–queen relatedness. Genetically speaking, this means that each worker is more related to other workers' sons than the queen's sons, creating worker-queen conflict over reproduction.

In one colony of D. norwegica, two matrilines were found, suggesting that the nest was once taken over by another queen. This is intriguing because it is the first case in Dolichovespula.[11]

Worker–queen conflict

Several examples of worker-queen conflict exist among members of D. norwegica. Few workers were detected to have full ovary activation and were producing males. Ovary activation is most likely due to the absence of the queen. Workers may kill off their queens so they can reproduce; no queens were found on collection of 12 of 14 D. norwegica nests. Queens are often recognizable due to their heavily worn wings. Matricide is common after workers are reared and queens have laid their eggs in annual colonies with low paternity.

Despite possibilities of matricide and ovary activations, workers produce very few males. Worker policing over eggs is also seen where workers choose to keep queen-laid eggs and remove worker-laid eggs. Workers are unlikely to reproduce because it is too costly; worker reproduction can reduce colony productivity and/or obstruct reproduction of females in the colony. Furthermore, very few workers have active ovaries.[11]

Worker policing

Three general forms of egg policing are found to conclusively contribute to reproduction ratios of D. norwegica. All three forms target worker-laid eggs over queen-laid eggs. Two forms that are probably most influential of policing are worker policing and selfish policing. Despite being more related to other workers' sons, worker-laid eggs were consumed by other workers. About two-thirds of those workers were reproductive workers. Occasionally, these workers replaced the egg with one of their own (in 31% of the cases were due to self policing). Workers never removed their own eggs, and if a nonreproductive worker removed a worker-laid egg, then the queen would replace it with her own egg.

Furthermore, an important part of worker policing among D. norwegica is specialization. Evidence for specialization in policing was found when observed number of policing workers was lower than the estimate true number of policing workers. An estimated average of 14 workers specialised in policing (a fourth of the total work force).[12]

Queen policing

The last form is queen policing of eggs. About 32% of policing over worker-laid eggs was done by the queen (roughly one-third). Two cases are known where queen-laid eggs were eaten; in one, if a reproductive worker eats the egg, then it will replace it with its own egg, and if a nonreproductive worker eats the egg, then the queen always lays the replacement. These situations were less common and only occurred 8% of the time. Queen policing is popular in colonies that are small and of low paternity. Relatively smaller colonies are better because the queen can monitor and control her workers.[12]

Interaction with other species


D. norwegica larvae commonly feed on flies, other insects, and spiders that are brought to them and chewed up by the adult wasps to a paste form. The adult individuals feed on nectar from Angelica sylvestris, Heracleum spondylium, and Chamerion angsutifolium.[13] They generally prefer a sweeter taste. Larvae of D. norwegica have a single tooth, used to feed on the paste.[7] Once it feeds, the larva expels a sweet liquid, which the adult wasp consumes. D. norwegica also enjoys flowers of umbellifers such as the wild parsnip.[14]


Norwegian wasps are known to be a host for Dolichovespula adulterina, which is also a known social parasite of D. saxonica.[2] However, Dlichovespula adulterina also uses D. norwegica as another host. One suggestion for this inquiline interaction between D. adulterina and D. norwegica is that D. adulterina has been found to cohabitate with D. norwegica. The two species were found to occupy the same space in northern Norway, where no D. saxonica wasp were to be found nearby.

Furthermore, in a few nests of D. norwegica, D. norwegica workers lived with a queen from D. adulterina. Other accounts report as many as 46 queens and 24 males of D. adulterina in a nest of D. norwegica. Another case observed two unemerged males of D. norwegica and one unemerged male of D. adulterina from the nest.[15]

Also, cases have been observed of D. norwegica displaying parasitic behavior on D. sylvestris. Moreover, D. norwegica shows aggression towards individuals of D. sylvestris. Evidence of damaged legs and wings of D. sylvestris were found.[16]

Human importance

D. norwegica wasps previously were rarely considered to be pests. They build their nests far from human activity, and rarely visited buildings, picnics, and fruits. However, if their nests were built on a hedge, low eaves, or close to humans, removing the nests was needed. Although they are less aggressive than other wasps in Vespula, individuals of D. norwegica protect their nest with their stingers.[2]

More recently, more cases of pest problems relating to D. norwegica have been reported.

Although they can be annoying in some cases, their predation activity on other arthropods makes them valuable allies of farmers. Their role in the pollination of wild plants is also of great importance for the protection of biodiversity.


  1. ^ a b c Dolichovespula norwegica (Norwegian wasp). 2009. http://www.record-lrc.co.uk/c1.aspx?Mod=Article&ArticleID=Dolichoveespula_norwegica Dolichovespula norwegica (Norwegian wasp), Record
  2. ^ a b c Edwards R. (1980). Social Wasps: Their Biology and Control. Rentokil Ltd., East Grinstead. ISBN 9780906564011
  3. ^ Bristol Wasp Control Experts .https://pestbristol.co.uk/british-wasps/(Norwegian wasp),Bristol Pest Control
  4. ^ Lopez-Osorio, F.; Pickett, K.M.; Carpenter, J.M.; Ballif, B.A.; Agnarsson, I (2014). "Phylogenetic relationships of yellow jackets inferred from nine loci (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Vespinae, Vespula and Dolichovespula)". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 73: 190–201. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2014.01.007. PMID 24462637.
  5. ^ Carpenter, J.M., Dvořák L., and Pickett K.M (2011). Dolichovespula albida (Sladen), a Valid Species, Not a Synonym of D. norwegica (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Vespinae) Entomologica Americana 117(3 & 4):113-116.
  6. ^ Bennett S. M., 2003. Dolichovespula norwegica (The Norwegian Wasp). http://www.the-piedpiper.co.uk/th4d.htm
  7. ^ a b c Spradbery, Philip. 1973., Wasps, Sidgwick and Jackson. pp. 8, 245. 0.283.97938.0. Accessed on 25 September 2014.
  8. ^ a b Ings, Tom. "British Social Wasps" Archived 2014-11-29 at the Wayback Machine, BWARS (Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society), Retrieved on 24 September 2014. p. 3
  9. ^ a b Akre, R. D.; Bleicher, D. P. (1985). "Nests of Dolichovespula norwegica and D. norvegicoides in North American (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)". Entomological News. 96 (1): 29–35.
  10. ^ Archer, M. E. (2007). ""The Life History and a Numerical Account of Colonies of the Social Wasp, Dolichovespula norwegica" (F.) (Hym., Vespinae) In England". Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 136: 1–13.
  11. ^ a b c Foster, K. R.; Francis, L. W.; Ratnieks, N. G.; Peter, A. T. (2001). "Colony kin structure and male production in Dolichovespsula wasp". Molecular Ecology. 10 (4): 1003–1010. doi:10.1046/j.1365-294x.2001.01228.x. PMID 11348506. S2CID 12009153.
  12. ^ a b Bonckaert, W.; Tofilski, A.; Nascimento, F.S.; Billen, J.; Ratnieks, F. L. W.; Wenseleers, T. (2001). "Co-occurrence of three types of egg policing in the Norwegian wasp Dolichovespsula wasp". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65 (4): 633–640. doi:10.1007/s00265-010-1064-3. S2CID 2186614.
  13. ^ Dolichovespula norwegica. Ecology of Commanster. Retrieved on 25 September 2014. "Dolichovespula norwegica". Archived from the original on 2014-10-06. Retrieved 2014-11-13.
  14. ^ Social Wasps Facts., Bumblebee.org. Retrieved on 25 September 2014.http://www.bumblebee.org/invertebrates/Hymenoptera2.htm
  15. ^ Dvorak, L (2007). "Parasitism of Dolichovespula norwegica by D. adulterina (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)". Silva Gabreta. 13 (1): 65–67.
  16. ^ Bunn, D (1988). "Another Case Of Inter-Specific Usurpation In Dolichovespula". Sphecos. 17: 15.
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Dolichovespula norwegica: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

The Norwegian wasp (Dolichovespula norwegica) is a species of eusocial wasp. It is common in Scandinavia and can also be found in Scotland and other areas in Britain and Ireland. Often known for being a tree wasp, it nests in low branches and bushes and feeds on insects. It also obtains nectar from blueberry and snowberry flowers. Although D. norwegica is rarely considered a pest in the past, a few cases of pest problems relating to them have been reported. The species is not endangered.

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Norra-metsaherilane ( естонски )

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Norra-metsaherilane (Dolichovespula norwegica) on kiletiivaliste seltsi kuuluv putukaliik.

Putukat on ka Eestis.[1]


  1. Michael Chinery, 2005. Euroopa putukad. Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus. Lk 242


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Norra-metsaherilane: Brief Summary ( естонски )

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Norra-metsaherilane (Dolichovespula norwegica) on kiletiivaliste seltsi kuuluv putukaliik.

Putukat on ka Eestis.

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Norjanampiainen ( фински )

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Norjanampiainen (Dolichovespula norwegica) on yleinen yhdyskunta-ampiaisiin kuuluva pistiäislaji.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Sukulaistensa tapaan norjanampiaisen väritys on pääosin musta-keltainen. Tyypillisen norjanampiaisen tunnistaa kuitenkin helposti takaruumiin tyviosan sivuilla olevista punaruskeista laikuista, mutta värimuodolta f. zetterstedti ne puuttuvat kokonaan. Molempia värimuotoja voi elää samassa pesässä. Norjanampiaisen pään etuosassa otsalta verkkosilmään työntyvä uloke on musta, vain alareunastaan keltainen, ja päälaella kolmen pistesilmän muodostaman kolmion etukärki muodostaa noin 90 asteen kulman. Lisäksi etäisyys verkkosilmästä pistesilmiin on suunnilleen yhtä pitkä kuin kahden taaemman pistesilmän välimatka. Verkkosilmän alanurkan ja leukojen välinen alue on tuntosarven paksuuden levyinen. Leukojen yläpuolella sijaitseva suukilpi on keltainen, ja sen poikki kulkeva musta juova on alareunasta yleensä leveämpi kuin yläreunasta. Kuningatar on 15–18 mm, työläiset 11–14 mm ja kuhnurit 13–15 mm pituisia.[1]


Norjanampiaista tavataan Brittein saarilta ja Islannista Euroopan ja Pohjois-Aasian poikki Pohjois-Amerikkaan. Etelämpänä Euroopassa levinneisyys on vuoristopainotteinen[2]. Suomessa sitä tavataan yleisenä koko maassa. Ruotsissa laji yleistyy pohjoista kohti ja on tunturiseuduilla yleisin yhdyskunta-ampiainen.[1]

Elinympäristö ja elintavat

Norjanampiaisen tavallisinta elinympäristöä ovat kuivat havumetsät. Se on myös tyypillinen tunturiseuduilla, missä sitä tavataan puurajan yläpuolelle saakka. Pesä roikkuu yleensä lähellä maan pintaa suojaisessa paikassa pensaassa, varpujen seassa tai joskus myös kolossa kivien, maan tai sammalikon alla. Laji puolustaa pesää usein aggressiivisesti.[1][2]

Norjanampiaisen pesissä esiintyy pesäloisena läheistä sukua oleva Dolichovespula adulterina.[1]


  1. a b c d Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges Flora och Fauna. Steklar: Myror—getingar. Hymenoptera: Formicidae–Vespidae. Uppsala: ArtDatabanken, SLU, 2012. ISBN 978-91-88506-78-8. s. 308–309
  2. a b Bees, Wasps & Ants Recording Society (englanniksi)

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Norjanampiainen: Brief Summary ( фински )

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Norjanampiainen (Dolichovespula norwegica) on yleinen yhdyskunta-ampiaisiin kuuluva pistiäislaji.

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Trjágeitungur ( исландски )

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Trjágeitungur[1] (fræðiheiti: Dolichovespula norwegica) er geitungategund.


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Trjágeitungur: Brief Summary ( исландски )

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Trjágeitungur (fræðiheiti: Dolichovespula norwegica) er geitungategund.

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Noorse wesp ( холандски; фламански )

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De noorse wesp (Dolichovespula norwegica) is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie van de plooivleugelwespen (Vespidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1781 door Fabricius.

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Norsk veps ( норвешки )

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Norsk veps (Dolichovespula norwegica) er en art i familien stikkeveps.


Norsk veps er utbredt i Europa. I Norge finnes den over hele landet, og er en av de vanligste norske stikkevepsene.


Norsk veps varierer i størrelsen og dronningen er mellom 15-19 millimeter lang. Arbeidere er 12-15 millimeter lange. Fargene er typiske for stikkvepser, gult og svart. De fine hårene på brystets sider er svartfarget. Bakkroppen kan ha antydning til rødfarge, særlig på de første leddene. Vingene er svakt brunlige.

Norsk veps hører til i slekten av langkinnet stikkveps (Dolichovespula), der avstanden mellom fasettøyets nedre kant og kjeven er lengre enn følehornets bredde. De store fasettøynene har en kraftig innskjæring i fremkanten, slik at de får en C-form. På toppen av hodet, mellom fasettøynene, finnes tre punktøyne. Norsk veps kan være vanskelig å skille fra engveps. Men avstanden fra de bakreste punktøyne til hodets bakkant er mindre enn avstanden mellom de to bakerste punktøynene.

Arbeiderne er sterile hunner som har eggleggningsrøret omdannet til en stikkebrodd. Brodden har noen små mothaker, men disse er for små til at brodden sitter igjen, derfor kan samme veps stikke flere ganger. Brodden står i forbindelse med giftkjertler. Normalt er giften ufarlig for mennesker, men enkelte kan få allergiske reaksjoner.


Norsk veps er rovdyr og lever av andre mindre dyr, ofte larver til insekt som lever i vegetasjonen. Dersom byttet har bein eller vinger, fjernes disse med de kraftige kjevene. Larvene blir matet med en blanding av byttedyr, nektar og spytt.

Norsk veps hører til blant de sosiale insektene og danner svermer. De bygger kulerunde, lysegrå bol, som ligner på bolet til engveps. Bolet henger ned og bygges i trær, men også i fuglekasser, under takutstikk og hulrom i hus. Bolet er på sitt største utpå sensommeren. Inntil da har larvene blitt utviklet til sterile arbeidere, men nå dannes hanner og kjønnsmodne hunner. Disse parrer seg. Hver høst (vinter) dør svermen ut og bare de befruktede hunnene, kalt dronningene overlever vinteren. Om våren danner hver dronning en ny sverm.


  1. ^ Tor Guttu, red. (2015). Riksmålsordlisten (8 utg.). Oslo: Kunnskapsforlaget. s. 105. ISBN 9788257322151. [Utgitt av Riksmålsforbundet og godkjent av Det Norske Akademi for Språk og Litteratur]


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Norsk veps: Brief Summary ( норвешки )

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Norsk veps (Dolichovespula norwegica) er en art i familien stikkeveps.

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Nordgeting ( шведски )

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Nordgeting[2][1] (Dolichovespula norwegica)[3][4][5][6][7] är en getingart som först beskrevs av Fabricius 1781. Nordgetingen ingår i släktet långkindade getingar och familjen getingar.[8][9][2] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[8]


En liten geting med en kroppslängd mellan 15 och 18 mm för drottningen, 11 till 14 mm för arbetarna och 13 till 15 mm för hanarna.[10] Grundfärgen är svart med gula tecken i ansiktet och, i form av tvärband, på bakkroppen. Mellankroppen är svart med ett enda gult, på mitten avsmalnande, tvärband i bakänden.[11]


Arten är vanlig i många habitat, som hedar[11], ängar och häckar[10].

De gamla drottningarna flyger efter föda mellan mitten av april och början av juni, arbetarna mellan juli till mitten av oktober, och de nya könsdjuren (drottningar och hanar) mellan september och oktober. Könsdjuren parar sig utanför boet, och drottningarna äter därefter upp sig på nektar innan de letar upp något lämpligt övervintringsställe.[11]


Den övervintrande drottningen bygger ett bo av papper, främst i buskar, gärna på låg höjd.[11] Det förekommer också att det förläggs till trädgrenar och husväggar samt, sällsynt, i underjordiska håligheter. Kolonin är liten, och blir aldrig större än ett par hundra individer.[12]


De vuxna djuren hämtar näring från flera olika blommande växter: Flockblommiga växter som strätta och björnloka, dunörtsväxter som mjölke[10], kaprifolväxter som snöbärssläktet, ljungväxter som blåbärssläktet[13] samt flenörtsväxter som flenörtssläktet. Unga drottningar kan på våren besöka berberisväxter som berberis och rosväxter som oxbärssläktet.[11] Larverna matas framför allt med söndertuggade tvåvingar, men även andra insekter och spindeldjur används[10].


Utbredningsområdet omfattar i Nordamerika Alaska och något fynd i norra Kanada[14]. I Europa och Asien är arten vanlig i de norra delarna norrut till 70°N, från Irland och Storbritannien, där den förekommer norrut till Orkney och Shetland och österut till Magadan oblast i nordöstligaste Ryssland. I Sydeuropa förekommer den framför allt i bergstrakter.[11][14] I Sverige finns den i hela landet; i Finland främst i den västra delen[1].


  1. ^ [a b c] ”nordgeting (Dolichovespula norwegica) (Fabricius, 1781) Nordgeting”. Finlands artdatacenter. https://laji.fi/sv/taxon/MX.204112?locale=sv. Läst 20 november 2017.
  2. ^ [a b] Dyntaxa Dolichovespula norwegica Läst 25 december 2014
  3. ^ Michael E. Archer (2002) Yorkshir Naturalists Union The wasps, ants and bees (Hymenoptera: aculeata) of Watsonian Yorkshir, Pages: 1-200
  4. ^ Antonio Giordani Soika (1970) Annls. hist.-nat. mus. natn. hung. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungn von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei, 223, Vespidae und Eumenidae (Hymenoptera)., Volume: 62 Pages: 325-333
  5. ^ Michael Kuhlmann (2002) NachrBl.bayer.Ent. Struktur der Wildbienen- und Wespenzönosen ausgewählter Waldstandorte, Volume: 51 Pages: 61-74
  6. ^ Leopoldo Castro (2001) Cat. Entomofauna aragon. Insecta Hymenoptera, Familia 3: Vespidae, Volume: 25 Pages: 11-14
  7. ^ Volker Mauss (2000) Nachr. Bl. Bayer. Ent. Untersuchungen zur Höhenverbreitung von Hummeln und sozialen Faltenwespen im Arbergebiet des Bayerischen Waldes, Volume: 49 Pages: 71-79
  8. ^ [a b] Roskov Y., Kunze T., Orrell T., Abucay L., Paglinawan L., Culham A., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Decock W., De Wever A., Didžiulis V. (red.) (2014). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2014 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Naturalis, Leiden, Nederländerna. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2014/search/all/key/dolichovespula+norwegica/match/1. Läst 25 december 2014.
  9. ^ ZOBODAT: Zoological-Botanical Database (Vespoidea). Gusenleitner J., 2006-07-20
  10. ^ [a b c d] Lindsey, Jim (2002). Dolichovespula norwegica (Fabricius 1793) (Family Vespidae)” (på engelska). Ecology of Commanster. Arkiverad från originalet den 6 oktober 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/20141006084814/http://www.commanster.eu/commanster/Insects/Bees/SuBees/Dolichovespula.norwegica.html. Läst 25 december 2014.
  11. ^ [a b c d e f] Edwards, R. (2002). Dolichovespula norwegica (Fabricius,1781)” (på engelska). Bee, Wasps, & Ants Recording Society. http://www.bwars.com/index.php?q=wasp/vespidae/vespinae/dolichovespula-norwegica. Läst 25 december 2014.
  12. ^ Ings, Tom (April). ”British Social Wasps” (på engelska) (PDF, 361 kB). Bees Wasps & Ants Recording Society. sid. 3. Arkiverad från originalet den 29 november 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/20141129030540/http://www.snh.gov.uk/docs/A1067682.pdf. Läst 25 december 2014.
  13. ^ ”Dolichovespula norwegica (Norwegian wasp)” (på engelska). RECORD – Local Biological Records Centre serving Cheshire, Halton, Warrington and Wirral. 2009. http://www.record-lrc.co.uk/c1.aspx?Mod=Article&ArticleID=Dolichoveespula_norwegica. Läst 25 december 2014.
  14. ^ [a b] ”Map of Dolichovespula norwegica (på engelska). Discover Life. http://www.discoverlife.org/mp/20m?kind=Dolichovespula+norwegica. Läst 25 december 2014.
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Nordgeting: Brief Summary ( шведски )

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Nordgeting (Dolichovespula norwegica) är en getingart som först beskrevs av Fabricius 1781. Nordgetingen ingår i släktet långkindade getingar och familjen getingar. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.

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Оса норвежская ( руски )

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Латинское название Dolichovespula norwegica (Fabricius, 1781)

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

NCBI 1799775

Оса норвежская[1] (лат. Dolichovespula norwegica) — вид семейства настоящих ос.




Матки достигают длины от 15 до 19 мм, рабочие — от 12 до 15 мм, самцы — от 14 до 16 мм. Общественные осы, строящие «бумажные» надземные гнезда.


  1. Стриганова Б. Р., Захаров А. А. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных: Насекомые (латинский-русский-английский-немецкий-французский) / Под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Б. Р. Стригановой. — М.: РУССО, 2000. — С. 298. — 1060 экз.ISBN 5-88721-162-8.
  2. Fauna Europaea : Taxon Details
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Оса норвежская: Brief Summary ( руски )

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Оса норвежская (лат. Dolichovespula norwegica) — вид семейства настоящих ос.

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wikipedia русскую Википедию